Around 3000 Japanese soldiers take part in the largest banzai charge ever of the Pacific War on this date in 1944 at the Battle of Saipan. Called as gyokusai attack, the force included naval personell, support troops.





The Japanese advanced across the western coastal area called the Tanapang plain, where a weak spot was found in the American line. 2 battalions of the 105th Infantry were isolated from the rest , as they were brutally assaulted by the Banzai, with around 80% casualties. Though the Americans managed to recapture lost ground, it would be at a very heavy cost.

Did you not read the comment fully, clearly mentioned he allied with KCR in 2009.

David Kalākaua the last monarch of Hawaii, is forced to sign what was called the "Bayonet Constiution" on this date in 1887, that would transfer his authority to a Legislature consisting of American, European and some native Hawaiians.

The Bayonet Constitution was so called, due to the King being forced to sign it. The revolt was led by the volunteer militia called Honolulu Rifles, and the Hawaiian League, basically consisting of Americans settled in Hawaii. The League explicitly wanted the monarchy to end, and Hawaii be annexed by the US.



2 Eyes theory was later on, but when he was CM between 1999-2004 he was not supportive of it, reason why TDP was completely routed in Telangana region then, YSR made good use of it.

And YSR as CM put down the TG movement ruthlessly, CBN tried to switch over, had an alliance with KCR, but lost as badly in 2009, though did slightly better in TG.

But anyway it's good that he took a stand for Andhra Pradesh, else TDP would have ended up like Congress in Andhra.

Because he was opposed to the formation of Telangana, reason why TDP was wiped out there. They also hate NTR, for abolishing the Patel-Patwari system.

So now Sumalatha comes out in support of Darshan, saying he is like my son, he is a man with a generous and loving heart, has compassion for animals.Discussion

So far celebs coming out in support of Darshan have been Sanjjanaa Galrani, Rachita Ram, Kasthuri Shankar and Naga Shourya(Telugu actor). These are some statements from Sumalatha.

"I know Darshan as a man with a loving and generous heart. His compassion for animals and willingness to help those in need testify to his character. I believe Darshan is not the type of person to commit such a crime." 

It's good she did not stand for MP this time, or rather did not get the opportunity to. Had she become MP, this would have been politically embarassing for BJP.

Louis Pasteur succesfully administers the anti rabies vaccine to 9 yr old Joseph Meister on this date in 1885, after the boy was bitten by a rabid dog. He produced it by growing the virus in rabbits, and then weakening it. It laid foundation for other vaccines too.





He is also known for pastuerization, treating milk to stop it's contamination. Along with Ferdinand Cohn, Robert Koch one of the 3 pioneers of bacteriology. He also created the first vaccine for anthrax.

The Battle of Wagram begins on this date in 1809, as Napoleon leads the French to victory over the Austrian army under command of Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen, leading to the breakup of the 5th Coalition between Austria and Britian.





When Napoleon transferred a number of soldiers to fight the Peninsular War, the French presence in the Rhine Confederation was decreased in 1809, as the Austrians sensed an opportunity to recover it's former sphere of influence. The Battle of Wagram began when Napoleon crossed the Danube with a 172,000 strong army and launched a series of attacks against the Austrians. Though the French had initial success, the Austrians managed to defend back as  Archduke Charles seeked to take them in a double envelopment strategy.

Though the offensive nearly broke the French left flanks, the Emperor launched a counter cavalry charge and pounded the Austrian army with his Grand Battery, that devastated them, One of the bloodiest battles of the Napoleonic Wars, with 74,000 casualties on both sides.

The Battle of Chesma, takes place on this date in 1770, during the Russo-Turkish war, as the Russians inflict one of the worst naval defeats on the Ottomans, devastating their fleet, losing around 16 ships, 6 frigates, 13 galleys.



The victory was a morale booster for Russia, giving them full control of the Aegean Sea, as also sparking off revolts by minorities in the Ottoman Empire, especially the Orthodox Christian nations in the Balkans. To date it is commemorated as a Day of Military Honor in Russia.

Governor Pedro Lopes de Sousa invades Kandy on this date in 1594 with a 20,000 strong Portuguese army, beginning the Danture campaign in Sri Lanka. History





However a sustained guerilla warfare in the hilly terrain of Kandy, by King Vimaladharmasuriya I, sees the Portuguese army completely routed, as the Kingdom of Kandy emerges a major military power, sucessfully resisting the Portguese, Dutch and British until 1815, when the Portuguese under Jerónimo de Azevedo recaptured it.

Is BJP losing the youth vote?Indian Politics

In the recent General elections, there was a sizeable rise in the youth vote, basically the 18-25 age group, for INDI alliance, around 41%, a 15% jump from 2019. While NDA's remained more or less same around 43%.

While right now, the youth vote is more or less split evenly, it is clear that INDI alliance is making inroads here, and this is one area where NDA or rather BJP more specifically needs to look into.

One thing for sure, BJP does not have the same Social Media presence it had in 2013-14, Congress has learnt the ropes well, and is now dominating here. The problem is BJP is still following the same old 2014 strategy, relying only on Twitter, hardly any presence in You Tube, WhatsApp, Instagram, which is where the bulk of youth voters are.

For a party that made excellent use of Social Media, BJP is now appearing a total laggard in this space. It's not just the strategy, the messaging too is the same old tired stuff, that might have worked in 2014, but not anymore. The thing is for the youth group, BJP rule is what they have experienced, most really don't have that much memories of UPA rule.

BJP needs to understand that it can't keep on blaming UPA, Nehru, to the youth segment that is not really relevant. And all that talk of Soros, Deep State, does not cut much ice. For a youngster just out of college, looking for a job, how does Soros or Deep State matter to him or her. Those conspiracy theories might be nice to listen to in Social Media, but in real life hardly anyone cares about them.

Also with inauguration of Ram Mandir, repeal of Article 370, the Hindutva agenda has more or less run it's course. There is nothing much to excite the youth on this front, even CAA, NRC implementation has been done, and not many really care much about UCC.

One more thing that turns off the youth, is the kind of moral policing, virtue signalling most RW, BJP supporting accounts to. "Yeh mat karo, woh mat karo", "Boycott this, boycott that", its basically turning out to be like those annoying neighbourhood uncles and aunties.

The youth are going to play a critical role in the 2029 elections, whether BJP likes it or not, Dhruv Rathee videos have made a significant impact in this section. And the party needs to adopt measures, to win this segment over, else 2029 could well see a rout, this time they just escaped narrowly.

Operation Citadel begins on this date in 1943, the German offensive against the Red Army,that would begin the Battle of Kursk, the largest tank battle ever in military history to date, that would last for 1 month, 4 weeks, resulting in a Soviet victory.





Kursk was the final German strategic offensive on the Eastern Front, that was countered by 2 Soviet counter offensives-Operation Polkovodets Rumyantsev and Kutuzov. With Hitler forced to divert his troops to stop the Allied invasion of Sicily, the Red Army had an advantage.

The German Army hoped to cut off the Soviet offensive by securing the Kursk bulge, that stretched for around 250 km from North to South, 160 km, from East to West. Hitler believed that capturing this would strengthen the German army, and also get Soviet slave labor.

The Soviets however managed to get intelligence about the German plans, before hand,giving them time to build a secure defense, that would wear down the German attack. The Germans too delayed their offensive, waiting for their Panzer and Tiger tanks to arrive, giving enuf time.

The intelligence about the German plans, and their own delay in offensive, gave the Red Army enough time to build deep fortifications that included minefields, anti tank points, artillert over 300 Km. The Red Army also kept a large reserve force for counter offensive.

The logistics for Operation Citadel were staggering, 2.6 million on either side, 7000 odd tanks, 34,000 guns and mortars. And when u consider the 2nd phase, 3.4 million on either side, 10,000 tanks, 57,000 odd guns. Add to it around 5000 aircraft, massive is an understatement.

The Red Army actually suffered more losses in Operation Citadel, having lost around 170,000 men, 2000 tanks, but couple of factors titled Kursk decisively in favor of them. One was the Allied invasion of Sicily, which made Hitler withdraw his forces on the Eastern Front.

The decision to call off Operation Citadel, just when the Red Army was under severe pressure, gave them enough breathing space to recoup, and with a large number of reserve forces,enabled them to come back. Hitler ordering most of the German army to relocate to Southern Europe, following Allied invasion of Sicily, meant the Red Army now had the better advantage at Kursk. And that enabled them to win this crucial battle.

The Louisiana Purchase is announced on this date in 1803, when the US Govt under Thomas Jefferson accquires 828,000 sq mi of territory from France for a cost of 15 million dollars.





Louisiana was controlled by France, after Napoleon had taken it back from Spain in 1800. However wars with Britain, revolt in Haiti, convinced Napoleon to sell off the territory.

The purchase extended US sovereignty across the Mississippi River, doubling it's size, as it got the states of Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska, as well as large parts of the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado.

Sevastopol falls to the German Army in 1942, after a 250 day long siege that began on October 1941. The siege initially was a failure, with the Red Army launching an amphibious landing at Kerch to relieve it in December 1941.





On June 2, the Axis began Operation Störfang , attacking the encircled Red Army forces by air, sea and land. Luftwaffe played a vital role in the siege, as the 8th Air Corps, bombed the besieged Red Army forces, while the city was totally devastated. The destruction was far worse than that of Warsaw or Rotterdam.

The Red Army finally surrendered on July 4, 1942 suffering casualties of 118,000 men killed, wounded or captured in the final assault, while another 200,481 casualties in the siege.

Synagogues in Riga, the capital of Lativa are targeted by the Nazis in 1941, most of them are burnt down, many Jews confined in them, died in the fire. The Nazis were actually welcomed by the residents, who were fed up with the Red Army atrocities.On This Day
Synagogues in Riga, the capital of Lativa are targeted by the Nazis in 1941, most of them are burnt down, many Jews confined in them, died in the fire. The Nazis were actually welcomed by the residents, who were fed up with the Red Army atrocities.



The Nazis incited Latvian nationalists to commit pogroms against the Jews in Riga, more than 6000 were killed. Professionals such as doctors, engineers, lawyers were particularly singled out. Many of them were taken to the Bikernieki Forest and shot dead there.


The Great Choral Synagogue was burnt down on July 4, till then the largest one in Riga,with 20 Jews locked in the basement. The holy scrolls were dragged out of the synagogues and burned.

Synagogues in Riga, the capital of Lativa are targeted by the Nazis in 1941, most of them are burnt down, many Jews confined in them, died in the fire. The Nazis were actually welcomed by the residents, who were fed up with the Red Army atrocities.



The Nazis incited Latvian nationalists to commit pogroms against the Jews in Riga, more than 6000 were killed. Professionals such as doctors, engineers, lawyers were particularly singled out. Many of them were taken to the Bikernieki Forest and shot dead there.


The Great Choral Synagogue was burnt down on July 4, till then the largest one in Riga,with 20 Jews locked in the basement. The holy scrolls were dragged out of the synagogues and burned.

25 Polish academics along with their families, are massacred on this date at Lviv, Ukraine, by the Nazis in 1941. The massacre was to prevent anti Nazi activity and weaken the Resistance movement.




The executions were carried out by the Einsatzgruppen under command of Karl Eberhard Schöngarth. None of the perpetrators were punished for the massacre, though Schöngarth, Felix Landau, and Hans Krueger were executed for other crimes. Another of the accused,Walter Kutschmann, lived under a false identity in Argentina, and was arrested by Interpol in 1985, a decade after he was exposed by journalist Alfredo Serra.

The siege of Belgrade aka Nándorfehérvár begins on this date in 1456 by the Ottomans, led by Sultan Mehmed II, as they attempt to expand further into Europe, following the capture of Constantinople. Belgrade was then under Hungarian control and was crucial for control of Balkans and the Danube.HISTORY
The siege of Belgrade aka Nándorfehérvár begins on this date in 1456 by the Ottomans, led by Sultan Mehmed II, as they attempt to expand further into Europe, following the capture of Constantinople. Belgrade was then under Hungarian control and was crucial for control of Balkans and the Danube.




The Hungarians under John Hunyadi, put up a determined resistance, with the city completely garrisoned. The defenders used heavy artillery, firearms to repel the Ottomans, and a relief force completely destroyed a Turkish flotilla, on July 14, and the land forces outside Belgrade on July 22, forcing Mehmet II to retreat.

The victory was a morale booster to the Christian kingdoms, as it temporarily halted Ottoman expansion in Europe. Hunyadi became a hero, for his gallant defence of Belgrade, and defeating the Ottomans. It also demonstrated the importance of firearms and artillery, signalling a new phase in warfare.