Did they stop at Georgia? Or Chechenia? Or Crimea? You’re not being a pacifist, you’re being delusional and misinformed.

Batman ninja remains one of the worst films I’ve ever seen in general. But at least watching it with friends or family can be a very memorable experience.

“Aperture Science: we do what we must because we can”

There's no crawling, no rotoscoping, no insane morphing and psychedelic BS, the audio is fairly high quality.

There’s not much going on either. Just a couple of seconds of generic sci-fi robots with no consistency in their design sitting around in very generic looking places.

It is impressive that a computer was able to make all that content, but the content itself is bland.

He reoffended in 1992 but settled it out of court, so 32 I guess.

Nice try, Rockefeller. You’re not invited to our coupon clipping party.

First time seeing his face and every 90s comic book character’s face structure suddenly made sense.

Suggesting pugs should be outlawed may get you a round of upvotes on Reddit. Doing so irl will get you eugenicist accusations.

I currently have a girlfriend and the largest group of friends I’ve ever had in my life and even with that I still got hooked on C.ai for a while. Their LMM isn’t just successful at imitating human behaviour, it also comes off as interesting and charming. I grew bored of it after three weeks once the novelty wore off and deleted the app, but I can easily see it growing into a societal concern if some of its most glaring limitations get improved on.

Same. Wouldn’t say I miss it either.

My favourite kind of facepalm posts go ass follow:

Person 1: “fantastical and flat-out unrealistic tv show premise”

Person 2: “Sounds interesting.”

Person 1: “…and also woman”