It's fine but very dated. Why are they still using gen 1 Ryzen? Lol.

I guess it's for people who can't afford the complete platform upgrade to AM5. It's AMD throwing a bone to those people.

yea AM5 does seem to have some quirks that need to be ironed out especially around the memory training and boot times.

Yea those two are loose canons. Logan would be visiting his lawyer every other week and Pepper would take away Tony's social media privileges. After too many legal issues 😂

It's not about sides what your saying is factually incorrect. Your claiming "we"" spend $5k on our pcs which for the vast majority of people isn't even close to being true.

People who own a PC and a console how do you decide what platform to buy a game on?Discussion

Is it PC every time without question for you? Or are there some games you prefer to play on console? For me anything cinematic like God of War, Spider-Man or Hellblade I prefer to play first on console, laid back on the couch. Rather than hunched over my desk for hours on end. But I will get the PC port on sale for steam deck, achievements and whatever else added benefits it brings. So I do more often than not double dip. FPS games are mostly always PC first. Except CoD. CoD devs haven't properly cared about PC since CoD4. Anything else just depends on my mood. Somedays I'll be in full on PCMR mode and want nothing to do with consoles. Other days Ill want nothing to do with the PC lol. It's a vicious cycle. The joys and curse of owning every system.

There's also a bug affecting some users where you can't make a text post without a link.

If that's the case they can probably hold off announcing it till closer to release. Maybe sometime next year so it doesn't impact PS5 sales too much.

Whats the general feeling on SGF? Is it gonna be Sony's E3 esq show this year or will there be a seperate PlayStation showcase in June?

They'd be crazy not to. Whether it's DLC or a standalone Venom game. People want more Spidey.

Was it a mistake or done on purpose to hype up the game? 🤔.

Why I think Giancarlo Esposito is playing Doctor DoomTheory

"The MCU has knocked on my door and it's a role you won't predict, it will be teased and there will be a series after" that's what Esposito said recently at a fan convention when he teased his involvement in the MCU. I firmly believe he is playing Doctor Doom for a few reasons.

First: Most fans have been fan casting him as someone predictable like Galactus, Professor X or Magneto. Doom would be completely unexpected. Given the character traits. And would be a welcome expectations subvert. Second. Doom is a the most likely candidate for a Disney+ series after his big screen debut. People are gonna want to know more about him, what makes the guy tick. I think a Doom Disney+ series might have even been rumored already at one point. Esposito being a tv actor at his core it makes sense to have him shine where he his most comfortable and gives the best performance. That's not to say he won't shine on the big screen either. I'm sure he will be an amazing Doom on the small screen and big screen.

And it will be a fans dream come true to see the Avengers come face to face with one of their oldest most iconic enemies on the big screen for the first time in Secret Wars. But I can't see them relegating a character like professor X or Magneto to Disney+. So Doom just makes too much sense to get that in-depth character exploration treatment especially when you have an actor like Esposito playing him. When you put it all together. I suspect the rumors of him being considered for professor X are probably legit to. After all why wouldnt you? Consider the man for everything. He's brilliant. But ultimately I think he will be playing Doctor Doom he will debut in Secret Wars then get a Disney+ show maybe a prequel show showing his motivations.

Yea It was weird. Like they needed something dramatic to happen to close out the show. And this was what they went with? We all know the strikes happened so they did their best with the 10 episode order. But still. It was weak storytelling.

Feel like some of this is on Miller. I would have done The Wasteland first then Furiosa. Plant the seeds for Furiosa in The Wasteland. Get people excited for a prequel first.