Spotted Towhee Confirmed Google and a Bird app.

I think the white flowers with the grey background would look nice with the white and grey already in the bathroom.

He heard everything his mother said to you and he’s mad at you. He should’ve stuck up for you and put a stop to her criticism in the first place. Then things wouldn’t have gone so far. You’re his family now. Time to cut the apron strings.

I’m sorry I misread and gave you advice on your dining room instead. I would add color to your living room by putting some throw pillows on the couch, flowers on the coffee table and a painting in the wall.

A centerpiece and maybe a runner. Also some painting on the wall to add som color.

He cried over their relationship ending. He’s been so happy since meeting her. These would all feel like punch in the gut to me. If roles were reversed I’m sure he wouldn’t be happy that you’re finding happiness with a male coworker and crying over not speaking to her. None of that’s okay and he may not even realize but he definitely has feelings for her. This sounds like giddy puppy love.

This is traumatic for you. Whether or not you’re overreacting is irrelevant. I don’t think you are overreacting. The fact that someone broke into your home, which is supposed to be your safe space, is scary especially if you live alone. While you’re in the thick of taking care of all the things concerning the robbery, you might want to get a camera and an extra lock or a new lock. As for your BFF, she’s not being very BFF-ish. Next time she calls I would let her know how you feel. Maybe practice what you’re going to say so you can get your point across without shouting. Maybe start by asking her why she never responded to your request for lunch at your place. Tell her you have been shaken up since the break in and could really use a friend right now.

Don’t hate but my kitchen is a combination of fat chef and Vineyard/Tuscan. I know it’s tacky but I love it. I always said if I ever got a big kitchen, I would go for the fat chef/pizza parlor vibe.

My sister was in my wedding and there the entire time like everyone else but I can’t recall seeing her or really talking to her at the reception. His sister has two other brothers anyway. She should be thinking of her and her husband not getting attention from your siblings. That’s weird. NTA I don’t understand this whole family. Also, I have Spina Bifida and walk on crutches. I didn’t meet my husband until my late twenties so I was pretty self sufficient by then. I had my own apartment and worked. But his situation is different. I was born with a disability so I learned my limitations and how to do things on my own. His wife was in an accident. Still my husband does a lot for me. I use a wheelchair for long distances and he pushes me. He gets things for me at home especially if it means going upstairs or somewhere else. We split the housework though I take on more because he cooks. If his family was to say something of this sort I would’ve been devastated. I admire OP for not only sticking up for his wife but not telling her what they said. The whole I don’t want her there because I want your attention sounds like an excuse. I think they just don’t want her at the wedding because of her disability and her possibly taking attention away from the sister. Also, they don’t want her there because obviously they don’t like her. They blame her for OP getting married so young. They resent her.

Ringing endorsement for tougher gun laws. Pun intended.

Evan Peters is always the hot one.

I always wondered what happened to Jerry Springer guest. Goodbye Springer. Hello Reddit.

Call it, “He’s bringing the sausage.”

♀️ ❄️⛄️❄️Fashion intern❄️⛄❄️

I like it.