<wrote this fast. Also - my grammar is below par, English is my first language and no I don’t know how to use it so please forgive me. I also posted this in r/adhdwomen>

We’ve been friends for 20ish years.

Me: recently adhd diagnosed (4 months? 5 months?), ‘high functioning’, on meds, and learning to ‘deal’

BFF: not diagnosed, but also clearly adhd and high functioning

My house/home office was broken into last Thursday evening and I only discovered it on Friday morning. Since then there have been daily tasks dealing with the insurance / security / cops. This is unfortunate but a reality of the country I live in and although this is the first time for me, yes it’s a bit shit all round.

I am single and not in a relationship. I have been there for my BFF’s pre marriage, marriage, kids, pre divorce, divorce process, post divorce. I can honestly say I have sat through and have been present for a LOT of her drama.

She was away with her kids Thurs/Friday, got back into town Saturday. The last time we spoke was Saturday afternoon, she was bored and outside having a drink while the kids gamed. She wanted to go for lunch Sunday (once the kids went to their dad). I did not. I did not want to go out in public nor leave the house and I said I would prefer to do a small lunch at my place. It has been radio silent from her since aside from a pic of wherever she was on Sunday, lunching.

Granted, I have not reached out either.

I have been crying on and off since Sunday. I am not sure if it is a delayed reaction to the break-in. Every time I start crying it is because of how hurt I feel by not having my BFF actually show up to my rare crisis and it has completely made me reevaluate my friendship. I am SO hurt.

But because of this damn adhd I don’t know if I am blowing this out of proportion or if this is real. The one thought I had this afternoon was, my crisis is not an emergency for her. And that cut deep.

I missed a call from her earlier (on purpose) because I don’t actually know what to say. It’s Wednesday so she must have her kids back.