Hi guys, 24 M here. Just curious if anyone else has experienced this and if there was anything they could do about it. I have been tripping at the very least 4 times a year since I was 16, I have never tripped as much as 2 weekends in a row, I've always been very good about resetting my tolerance to things. Back in the day an eighth of shrooms always carried the wow factor you know. Me and my friends could split a half between 4 of us and all have an extremely funky psychedelic experience, swirling colorful wavy breathing open eyed visuals and intense patterns and colors on closed eyes. Same experience goes for taking a few tabs of acid. 2-4 tabs depending on dosage would give me full on kaleidoscope vision. As of like 2 years ago the rest of what I'm about to say has been my experience going forward into the present. Last night I eat 4.3 grams of shrooms and I get the come up feeling in my body then as soon as that comes to some sort of peak I plateau with my orange peel walls barely even breathing, ZERO closed eye visuals, minor body high and my lights are looking a little extra bright and that's it. 4 hours in I pass out exhausted and bored. Last night was my first trip in 2 months. This has been my experience tripping on acid or mushrooms, even candy flipping and dropping acid and mushrooms. I have been dosing like 3x my friends and having a really boring time while they are having the full psychedelic spiritual experience. I guess I should add I never once experienced some profound spiritual awakening from taking any psychedelic no matter how hard I try and I am very much so into that kind of stuff. I have eaten a half ounce of shrooms before and taken more than a 10 strip at a time in search of something deeper and I never get passed just being high now. I have some DMT ready to go hiding away but I'm not ready to go there again yet. Wayyyyyyy too anxious. Anyway just wanted to know if anyone shared this phenomena and managed to get their trips back! I guess looking forward I'm never dosing less than 7 grams.

Perhaps I am also just getting really weak shit?

Edit: I am not on any medication of any kind.