If you do want to sleep, watch Terrifier 2 - the first slasher in history to be an hour too long.

It looked better before. Some people don't like nature but you shouldn't inflict that on others.

Honestly, shocking as this is, I am surprised it doesn't happen more often. I am the chillest mofo in the world but have lost count of the times I have contemplated murdering people who have wronged me. The only differences between me and that guy are (a) I only think about it for about 0.05 seconds and (b) I am incredibly lazy and would rather stay at home watching Southpark than go to prison.

I am one who thinks that there won't be another Xbox 'gen' console to go against PS6. Microsoft don't care about console wars (neither do the others of course, but they are winning it so might as well carry on) but MSoft know they are wasting their time trying to level the playing field at this point, they've made too many boneheaded errors and unfortunately, there is no way back for them. They obviously cannot admit it right now, but they just want Gamepass to replace console gaming.

I literally just got a marketing email from Amazon telling me that Gamepass will be coming to their Firestick range. Not a big deal in and of itself but it is more evidence of the direction Xbox are going in, trying to get Gamepass in every home and frankly, no console IS required for casual gamers, aka the vast majority. The only people who dispute or fear this inevitable future are the poor saps in rural America who consider themselves doomed to always have shitty, metered internet. Europeans and Asians don't really have this concern.

So why would a company, even one as big as Microsoft even bother doing all of the R and D for a new console, when they KNOW it will sell far, far fewer units than their rivals? They have proven themselves consistently over many years at this point to be incapable of building up a stable of games that rivals Sony's, and the fact that they are now sharing what could be their console exclusives with Sony just proves that Microsoft is now a vassal to Sony, they lost.

I say this as a longtime Xbox gamer and collector of games who plays a Series S way more than my PS5 and will be sad to see Xbox end, but these things happen. No-one could have imagined playing Sonic the Hedgehog on a Nintendo console when Genesis was kicking around, but look at Sega now.

Give me idioms of it follows then! LOL talk about painting yourself into a corner by doubling down on something as retarded as this - what did you think when Godzilla X Kong: A New Empire came out? "OoH ThAt's NOT an iDioM!" LOOOOOL


"Those MAGA folk are something huh? They follow Trump all over the country!"

"My family are crazy, despite living in Tibet only 2 miles from the Dalai Lama, they follow a religious doctrine that disallows the concept of reincarnation!"

"There are some mean boys on the bus who mock me for being precious about the title of films, sometimes they follow me home."

I could go on but would be interested to hear some examples of 'It follows' beyond 'Have you seen the movie, It Follows?'

I understand you perfectly but what you are saying is sheer nonsense is all. If anything, the term 'They follow' would be used far more often than 'It follows'.

'They' is one of the most commonly used pronouns in the English language and you can't wrap your head around the idea of more than one thing following something else?

Black Friday is bullshit, nothing is really reduced at all. In fact, a lot of stuff, especially expensive items like TVs are more expensive than they usually are, even with fake discount applied. It's a massive scam, don't fall for it.

Poo cocktail supreme - I know it is beyond disgusting, but the sheer 'violence' of the spray kind of encapsulates everything Jackass stands for - that sense of going a bit toooooo far. Also Steve-O as ever, incredibly game and brave for even agreeing to bungie in porta-toilet, never mind one filled with shit.

Try living in the UK! Hardly anything gets released on disc, we don't have Tubi or Hulu or Max. I had to buy Titane on Bluray from fucking Bulgaria, despite living 100 miles away from France!

Travelled from there a couple of weeks ago, early morning flight - I was surprised how busy it was but no issues because of it in terms of getting through luggage check in etc. The only issue was that all of the food/drink places were rammed so nowhere to sit to have breakfast. Honestly though it was as smooth an airport experience as I have had for a long time.

Me either, had it on Xbox and literally could not complete the tutorial, it was impossible!

The Daily Mail is right wing af, they don't make a secret of it.

I don't agree with your sentiments about JBB but as a Brit who does find white nationalist views objectionable, knowing that 50% of the voting population in the US are Trump supporters, technically I should shun hundreds of US Youtubers and TV shows etc, but you can't live your life like that, you have to just accept it in the name of peace.

There are a few others but that is about it really. Been really disappointed that Japan stopped making great horror movies..like... 25 years ago now?

I was intrigued by all the hate for The Grudge (2020) so bought it on DVD for like £2, and wow, there is something really weird and 'off' about that movie. I can't really explain it but I had to shut if off after about 10 mins, it's like it was shot by aliens who have spent decades learning about movies but they don't quite understand them, because they are aliens.

Goddamn if I am so sick of hearing about Hell House LLC, this sub is like Groundhog Day. No offence intended to OP but isn't it the mods job to 'moderate' this sub? I know they can't delete every single repeated post as the horror genre is obviously finite but Jesus fucking Christ...

I watch a movie every night, not always horror but maybe 80% of them. I probably fall asleep before finishing 50% of the time. If that happens, I put it on again the next night, rinse and repeat.

Literally none of that will happen I'm afraid. China are going to invade Taiwan and videogame technology will grind to a halt, indefinitely. Both firms utterly failed to produce enough consoles for over two years and that was during a time of relative plenty so they wouldn't risk attempting another 'console generation' as we know it.

The 2TB Xbox will be the last Xbox console as they will double down on getting making Gamepass as ubiquitous as Netflix. PS5 will almost certainly do a limited pro version but it will just have a new design that wasn't done by a team of drunks and better cooling.