Definately. I conducted tenders and awarded contracts. If the vendors did bad by me...good bye to that vendor.

Record all conversations, outlook is a good tool. If it's happening with your members in the team, wouldn't be hard to raise this with the senior manager.

You've worked hard and sacrificed a lot to get that degree...this might be unpopular but you and BF really should reconsider aborting. You have mentioned you are a first generation migrant, that means your folks sacrificed it all to come to your country and give you the best opportunities. Couples should only think about having children after they are settled. You haven't even explored the world.

Your reaction would hurt any good guy who just wants to provide but it does seem you'll enter into a life you are not wanting.

Some people just like to show they are justifying their positions by doing over commenting. I'm senior in the role and when starters and graduates ask for feedback, I'd reply email to them only and provide that or better is to see them face to face.

As others have said, take the colleague aside and ask them for feedback . Then tell them this is how you want to be communicated

Apply for water corp , synergy, horizon power And western power. You'll enjoy the work life balance. Only do 37.5hrs a week unless you're a manager and get 4-5weeks of annual leave a year.

Love Sam, I don't really hear too much what she says. Just matters what dress she is wearing .

Migrants are doing the jobs the locals don't want to do, for example being petrol attendants . Never had trouble getting petrol . I did work at petrol stations and the manager had trouble finding people to work there. This was before mass migration took place.

Where are all the cleaners, drivers and petrol station attendants and other odd jobs being filled ? Locals ..nope . So migrants it is.

Where are all these new migrants staying ? Well most are staying in share houses where it's 2 to a room.

Government has not thought this through and the country is now way worse off. Look at Canada or the UK, it's not looking great for them. Australia soon to follow.

Get away OP. Red flags . Your family and friends love you and don't want you controlled by an insecure person.

Your generation drinks less but does vape and take pharmaceuticals.

OP should have nipped this in the butt and told the son this is not cute and is not on. Baby sitter is in a tough spot.

This is great read. You NTA. Your little bro is super immature and just needs to get on with life. Maybe for his 23rd birthday you arrange a nice women to pop his cherry

Mid 2023 I joined a new engineering team. First team meeting, the manager drops on the team that we'll be picking up some new responsibilities. Well one of the eldest team members had a complete meltdown and flatly refused to do the new work. Everytime the manager said you will, he's rebuttal got louder and louder. It became a shouting match and the meeting was promptly called off. It's been a year and that elder team member and manager still don't talk. I have a feeling someone's performance review won't come back good.

Sorry OP. You are a big AH here. Your (ex)bestie needed you there and you failed her.

It's a hard thing to be forgiven for so don't be surprised if she will always hold onto this.

As others have stated, change your therapist and get the help you really need.

It's crazy now. I don't envy being in OPs shoes and having to compete with so many buyers.

That's reasonable. Can you get your folks to leverage their house as a deposit ?

OP. You've got to start at a lower price . If you're saying ten times your wage you are looking at a 800k house on your own or a 1.6 mill house for combined. Without the bank of mum and dad this would be hard. Plenty of good sized homes between 700-900k mark. Brother purchased a house in southern river 850k and it's got everyihg .

Start small and build big.

I bought land and built a home in cannington in 2007 for 350k. Sold that just after covig restrictions lifted and moved to Vic Park , i just wanted to be closer to schools and easier to get into the city.

Once in the morning and another in the evening. We aren't cave people we can keep a good level of cleanliness.

Your fiance didn't want confrontation. He's probably not been in a situation like this before, so he froze. Forgive him and think it's better that there wasn't a physical fight.

OP should leave some durian fruit to rot , give the neighbours a bad taste