I spent years working on hvac control systems (Siemens mostly) and absolutely loved it and got really good at it.

But more recently I took a job at an open pit mining operation and it may as well be an entirely different trade it’s so different. Understanding the sequence of operations on a diverse fleet of equipment that would cause our side of things to fault out has been a real mind bending experience.

I finally feel like I’m getting my feet under me after a year on site but it will be a few more years until I feel decently competent when something goes wrong and I’m the one who has to fix it. It’s been a humbling experience to say the least. But extremely lucrative.

This is fair, but some people don’t want to do service work and are more inclined to new construction and (industrial) maintenance.

Hahahaha I had a bunch in my CD binder in high school (over 20 years ago 😞) These days they will pop up every now and then on a playlist or two on Spotify

Oh heck yeah! It’s only a matter of time before Florida becomes a true hockey powerhouse

There should be a gators hockey pipeline at the university, with the amount of money they spend on sports it could be the new prospect hub!

(I know nothing about college sports, this post is in jest)

Totally fair, especially if you come From a resi background there’s a lot of opportunity for side work

Hahahahaha I was thinking “oh this dude for sure listens to some Nola sludge”

Watching jimmy bower fishing on that noisy documentary sealed the deal that fishing and heavy music go hand in hand

You think trades are immune to layoffs? Theres probably more out of work electricians than working electricians in Alberta right now and it’s not just the dog fuckers sitting at home.

If money is no issue then I’d say go for it. But can you seriously afford to go from 175 to 40? Because that’s the what most first years make in Canada. Yeah it will go up to 80-100 when you get your ticket but that’s pretty much it unless you want to do remote work.

I make close to you but am away from home 50% of the time and it’s going to take a huge toll on my family life. So at the end of the day we’re In The same boat man.

And to be totally blunt I literally push buttons to reset faults on machines so they can move more dirt day in and day out.

I ask myself “is this it?” Every day as well… but in the end it’s just a job, and it doesn’t define me. It just pays the bills.

The railroad will crush your fucking soul, steer clear. I grew up in a place where oil and gas was king (similar to parts of Texas)

Usually there are some low barrier to entry jobs in O&G that you can make bucket loads of cash fast. Wireline, hot shotting, daylighting, pressure vessel inspection grunt work. Maybe look into some of those jobs

That would definitely give you a leg up, starting in an industrial plant as an electrician or millwright would transfer pretty well up north so if that’s an option jump on it

This is super dependent on where you live. I have a trade certification and packed my family up and moved 1200km across provinces to start a job at a mine as an electrician. My brother in law is an equipment operator at the same mine and it’s pretty much the only reason they even looked at my resume without any prior experience.

I started my trade apprenticeship at 26 (started mining at 36) so it’s definitely not too late for you to look into that route.

Feel free to DM me if you have any questions. This sub can be pretty harsh from the influx of “GIVE ME FIFO JOB PLZ” posts but we all have to start somewhere