He didn’t have to read her mind, she gave very clear ideas about things she’d like to do.

That’s not what he said, but it’s not what she wanted to do either. To me staying at home all day doing nothing isn’t relaxing, it’s boring. I like to do things. I’m happy to have a chill morning at home or an evening in, but I don’t really go a whole day without leaving the house unless I’m sick. I’d also want to see a movie, get lunch, literally anything that’s not sitting on the couch all day. If we do stay in all day we usually still make it special by ordering good takeout and playing an involved board game we don’t usually have time for, or tackling a 2-3 movie series or something.

Tax benefits, being next of kin in the hospital, death benefits, legal ownership of shared properties, etc. There are many obvious benefits to being legally married.

“Believing in spiritual marriage but not legal marriage” is just being in a long term relationship. It’s not being married.

I’m a hiking and backpacking guide, and an artist when I’m not hiking. After a few years of hiking “professionally” I’m making more of an effort to do some leisure hiking and backpacking the next couple years, so I can remember why I love it.

Where I live we don’t have a ton of interesting hiking but there are cool places within a couple hours, so I’ll get up early on a day off and drive out to hit a couple trails.

Maybe takeout gives them joy? It’s okay to spend your income on things that make you happy. When I travel for work I always order Chinese to be delivered about an hour after I get home. Gives me time to unpack and take a shower and then dinner arrives at just the moment I’m ready to be lazy on the couch. It’s a nice little ritual.

You don’t need to do every hobby every day or be the best person at that hobby.

I love to paddleboard but only get to do it a few times a year. I love yoga and at times I do it daily and at other times I do it twice a month. I love to cook but I don’t make elaborate meals daily. I love adventure documentaries so I watch them when I’m in the mood. I love hiking but outside of hiking for work I do it a couple times a month.

It’s typically done out of sight of guests, IME. I’ve only ever had it done in front of me when I was drinking at a bar/restaurant where I also worked. But it’s a very regular occurrence and doesn’t contaminate the drink. I’ve even seen it done for kids drinks- to make sure the alcoholic lemonade goes to the parent and regular one goes to the kid.

Crunchy mom groups absolutely believe this. The sun is “natural” therefore can’t hurt you and sunscreen is “full of chemicals” therefore evil.

People frequently negatively comment on what’s on a picky eater’s plate, IMO both are rude but judgement of a picky eater isn’t considered rude for some reason. We should all just be allowed to eat what we like and can eat.

Perceiving arrogance where there’s just a preference that doesn’t effect you isn’t really the fault of the supposedly arrogant person.

I don’t enforce my picky eating on others but it does still upset people. For some reason it seems to reflect negatively on my character to some people.

It’s interesting to me that you were raised with zero tolerance for criticizing others’ choices, but apparently that doesn’t include not criticizing picky eaters. (Most are not picky by choice, but that is an aside)

Frugality is about saving in some categories and spending in categories that matter to you. If you have the money to go and want to go, and choose not to to save money, you’re perhaps being cheap rather than frugal. If you don’t have the money, that’s unfortunate but not a personal offense to you from the couple.

I guess we all have to pick our battles. Personally my picky eating has only had improvement when people leave me alone about it and I have the choice between comfort foods or trying something new and not being judged. If it seems like trying something new will result in someone being upset about me not liking it (whether they take personal offense because they cooked it or just act frustrated that I don’t like yet another thing), then I’m always going to choose low conflict and just stick to what I know.

My dad is far pickier than I am and he and I will go out to eat and try new things together, since there’s no pressure to like any of it and we can actually enjoy the experience.

I love to host dinner parties and I cook food I don’t like for others all the time, I just don’t really feel personally put out when others eat different food than I do.

It’s unfortunate that people assume all picky eaters will only eat chicken tenders.

They won’t know the difference between you and a local that came for one class and didn’t return. It’s never occurred to me to be self conscious about taking yoga classes on vacation and I’m a very anxious person 😅

A sick kid at school isn’t “without care”. They are just sick at school and uncomfortable. The school doesn’t put them outside for you to collect off the curb. I know this because my mom is a teacher and when I got sick at school I spent the rest of the school day in the nurse’s office, because she couldn’t leave her class without supervision for the non-emergency that is a sick kid.

There are options between “become extra parent” and “get plastered at the bars every day”. I love babies but don’t really get toddlers and kids. I’m not someone who’s comfortable getting down on the floor for imaginative play and I don’t know what elementary aged kids want to talk about. This is one of many reasons I don’t have kids. I don’t mind coming to birthday parties for my friends kids or attending their sports events, bringing meals or cleaning the house for new parents, things that help my friends come naturally to me. But I also just want to see my friends sometimes without it being all about the kids.

I don’t mean changed lyrics and whatnot, more like looking and pointing, the color changes in outfits, the fans being obsessed when he’s there and things like that.

As someone who has turned two passions into jobs, I recommend your approach. Enjoy the thing, immerse yourself in it, you can even make some extra money off of it. But as soon as you start to rely on that money you risk ruining your enjoyment of the thing.

I mean she sings half the show directly to Travis lol, the medley could very well be just for Max and it worked out that everyone else enjoyed it.

Would love this recipe! PJ’s is my occasional guilty pleasure because it was a comfort food in college and sometimes I want the nostalgia.

I’ll have to try to check the next one out! Last time I went, which was years ago, it was all half slab offerings.