Yeah. Loooove me some parasites and blood-borne pathogens. I also like the way bodies are put together! But there's almost never a good time to talk about it.

It took me nearly two years to be able to give myself a shot. Now I can do it, but I still need a good 30ish minutes for all the psyching up. You'll get there!!

And brother? Does he ever yell.

So, for a long time, I thought I was a tomboy at best. Transgenders were all just confused, spoiled idiots (you can probably hazard a guess how I was raised). People with nothing better to do with their lives. I got to this point where I was becoming more and more militantly feminist, and not in a helpful way. Then in my late 20s, someone called me a male friend's name by accident (didn't realise it was me beside em) and uhhh well. Let's just say I had some kind of euphoria in that moment that I'd never felt in my life.

Looking back, I guess there were other signs that I kept excusing as a "tomboy" thing. Wanting to be like the strong men around me while I was growing up. Never being comfortable in makeup or dresses or frilly things. Not really being able to have women as close friends because they ultimately made me uncomfortable. (That last one is extra goofy because I spent SO LONG being openly and angrily 'a women' and I still couldn't bring myself to genuinely LIKE other women.)

So, I started exploring the thought of "maybe I'd be comfortable as a man." And it was ROUGH. Plenty of tearing apart everything I'd been raised to believe. When I eventually started taking testosterone, there was a lot of nervous imposter-syndrome type thinking. I already had plenty of male passing clothes, thanks to the hating-my-womanhood thing I had goin on, but I went ahead and got different men's clothing. I think purging the past in some physical way helped me get over that. Though I think the biggest thing was when I was at the pool with my mom and she told me, "Yeah, you've never really had the 'girl' thing down," that made me stop really doubting myself. (Would it surprise you to learn my dad, the parent I mostly had grown up with, isn't in contact with me any more? Still wonder if I would've had a sooner realization if I hadn't had to do that.)

Anyway. We've all got different experiences. You'll know what's right for you if you parse out whether you're feeling anxiety or if it's how you really feel. Transmasc, nonbinary, whatever that ends up being. And the fun part about being alive is, you can totally switch it up when you want to. Legal stuff is more set in stone, but socially, just go for it.

I'll ask, though feel free to not answer. A few months into me starting, I began to have insane butt hair growth. (Doubly fun, due to my physical job, so it was Chafe City for a month straight.) That finally tapered off, so I just want to ask: If you've experienced this, did you get a second wind of butt hair?

Cause good god. I could go without that all again. 😂

She didn't deserve any of this. She's now gonna make it one man's problem, and if anyone stands in her way, they're gonna feel the heat, too.

I thought this was Yuri Fire Emblem and some kinda joke post. I see from the other comments it's from Luminaria, though. Never got the chance to play.

Red, which is funny to me every time. Just a few weeks ago, I was recounting a story to my mom from when I was a kid and she stops, shocked.. "You were just 2! How do you even know that?"

How's a dude like this got self esteem issues? 😂 Christ, I wish I had your beard. What's some other bands ya like?

Central Texas when I started. They gave me grief over even the one month supply.. It's rough down there.

Oh hell yeah, it's Libra day! This dude has saved my ass on several playthroughs. Also love his pairing with Panne.

Disgusting. Still gets a 1/10 because the assiest of ass waters, mineral water, exists to dominate the 0/10 end of the scale.

Refreshing tap or hose water, though... 🤔🐕

Honestly, I'd love something like this. Where I'm at, it's mostly trans women. And they love to talk about how much womanhood has saved them or loop things back to how good transitioning is (at least if you're becoming a woman). And I'm gonna be honest, I don't feel that way. Because I'm not a woman. And I very much do not like to hear about how much of a blessing being a woman is. I just wanna grab some drinks with the bros and be stupid about rolling rocks down a cliff or somethin. Where we reaffirm each other by being pretty heavy on the male-centric language. I want the "man" experience I haven't gotten to have so far because I've been a "woman."

I hope that makes sense. Trans women welcome if they want to be one of the bros, and if they don't, well cool, I'll be over here doin my thing.

Yeah. Every one of my partners has had ADHD (coincidence). They like my structure, frankness, and "childlike wonder."

Can't say it's worked out very well in any of those relationships yet, since I very much enjoy my structure and none of them have the energy to respect it, but I'm hopeful. Otherwise, I haven't seen another particular group of folks who find autism attractive.