I have nafld and have been taking fin for about 4 months. Tough to say if it’s working. I shaved my head about 2 months ago because I was tired of seeing hair in the sink. That wasn’t shedding (although that may be part of it) but I was having aggressive hair loss over the previous 8 months.

It might possibly be slowed or it is less noticeable either due to a super short cut I keep now or the meds.

Has the fin caused your bloodwork numbers to jump up?

That’s not the tough part. The tough part is that is it even going to matter? The courts seem to be very “Trumpy” these days.

Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think the court needs a few more justices added.

We need someone in charge who was willing to take drastic measures. This ends horribly in November either way. Trump wins? We all know what’s gonna happen there. Biden wins? Trump will will claim it was stolen. His only way out is going to be on the back of a Civil War. Whether or not he is successful in causing one is the only question.

Even if he isn’t successful this time, the GOP party seems corrupted from within. They are going to try this again, and eventually they will succeed.

Tough decisions ahead.

I think it’s just a shorter way to say “so-called” boyfriend. Obviously any sane human would see this is wrong and not a healthy situation, but why leave it up to the reader to make that distinction?

Cool. Where we going to get an extra 2mil?

Felt the same way until he was on the Leafs. The guy is actually impossible not to like. He’s a total mess. Really came on the last half of the year. I wanted him back.

That doesn’t matter. Doesn’t take away from the point that Reilly took less money to stay with the Leafs than he could have got.

I guess theoretically they could sign him to a 1 year deal and then resign him next July…but that’s a risk on his part. Pretty sure he’d be happier with the 7 years at 3.5 or whatever it shakes out at.

Funny, mine was MBV as well. I just never liked Only Shallow, so put the album on and was immediately turned off. Always heard how amazing they were and just thought meh not for me.

Years later, they are one of my favorite bands. Still skip Only Shallow though.

This hurts in a way that I can’t explain

Here’s an article where Eddie Redmaybe talks about how it was a mistake to portray a trans girl:


Here’s an article with Johansson talking about how insensitive and wrong it was to consider playing the part:


I’m not sure why you are insisting that this isn’t a thing? I said I was against the idea that straight actors should be held to only play their gender and sexuality.

It’s just weird how hard you are trying to make it be something that doesn’t exist.

Because Reddit does not like people saying they turn down sex. It’s like staving children in Africa turning down food to them

She did this just to make the men of Reddit explode

Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with the charges that were brought upon Trump. Would the hush money charges come to pass if it wasn’t Trump? No…I don’t think they would’ve. But that’s not Biden. Believe me I am in no way a Biden fan. Not because I think he’s evil…but because he’s 1000 years old.

Trump legitimately tried to overturn the election. There is audiotape of him pressuring the Arizona governor. That alone is fucked. He has remade the Republican Party. It isn’t the party of the past, for which I would align many of my ideals with. The views you accused me of having are night and day with my actual views. Should trans women be competing in sports against biological women? Fuck no. Should children be allowed to chemically alter their gender? Fuck no. I give a pass to the behaviors and decisions made in 2020 from Covid, as we had no clue what we were dealing with…but I haven’t wore a mask personally in years.

The far left issues are insane. I was ranting against them just days ago.

But heres the thing. Trump knows full well that if he leaves office (assuming he gets in) he is going to have to answer for all the avoidance of the crimes he committed (yes, he did commit crimes far worse that stealing money from his campaign to silence the porn star) while he was in office for his second term. Do you honestly believe he will let that happen? He has put in place all the tools he needs to crush our democratic process of elections. He’s learned from what stopped him last time. It’s done dude. Not in a hyperbolic, over exaggerated, sky is falling, isn’t this stupid remark. But a full throttled removal of all electorate norms.

You love Trump? Fine. You’re allowed your opinion. But will you love who he puts in place after he’s done, cause he’s old too. What if it’s someone who you can’t stand? Who takes away all your rights? Don’t even think about having a say…you know what they do to people who go against authoritarian leaders? You plan on having kids? You want them to grow up in a world where they have zero say? It’s a legitimate nightmare. Irregardless of policy, who wants to take away their rights to vote?!?

My hope for you is that Trump loses. Even if he does it’s going to be an absolute gong show. But my hope for you is he does, because whatever your views are today, you do have the right to change your mind. People don’t have that right in Russia. We all deserve our voice.

Well if Trump does win, and he very well may, you’ll never have to worry about any other party’s official stances. There won’t be any other party. You’ll be tied to whatever stance he takes, which will be based off whatever the massive money donors convinced him to do. Does that sound like a situation that aligns with your ideals? I don’t know anything about you, and even I know that it doesn’t.

Be careful what you wish for. Being pissed off about trans rights, or whatever the covid mandates were 4 years ago, or gender fluid stuffed animals is going to seem pretty god damn quaint when you give unchecked power to a megalomaniac. Trust me, you will rue the day. There are far more intelligent people than either of us, that are basically begging for everyone to break free of their information bubbles and see him for what he is. Or just listen to him. He’s told you already.

Didn’t say any of that, nor do I believe it. Creating this much of a narrative so you can continue with your little charade of beliefs is bordering on mental illness. With the amount of misspelled and misused words, I doubt you’ve ever read a sentence that wasn’t attached to a social media website.

“This is a Wendy’s”? Um no it’s not. You ever have an original thought? That shits old and overused. Nothing like having a personality that’s directly tied to the shit you regurgitate off of Reddit.

Just block out the criticism, and continue on with your shitty life. Don’t worry Trump will make it all better for you people. You just keep believing.

I’ll let you in on a little secret. Things are not going to work out the way you hoped under your Leader. You don’t think it’s strange that you are beholden to a single man? See I don’t give a shit about Biden. Or the party. I’d support whomever I believe to be best for the country. That’s normal. Could you express the same? Ask yourself why you couldn’t.

You honestly think the “billionaire” businessman, who has clearly stated his appreciation of authoritarian leaders is looking out for your best interests? You provide him nothing. He panders to you, all the while making decisions solely to benefit the top 1%. That’s who he needs, the rich. Not you. On top of it, it is all done in plain view. You, and you types, are drawn to it because you feel like it makes you part of the “team”, but you aren’t. You are the kids that show up at the bully’s end of year party, even though they treated you like shit, because sitting home alone at prom makes you feel like you have no place.

You don’t have a place there either. You ever take a psyc class? Ever study human nature? Ever study anything? Don’t you think there must be a clear correlation to the fact that Trump appeals so much to the middle aged uneducated? There’s a reason. They prey on your mental weakness.

Time will show you your inability to judge properly. It’ll just be too late that’s all.