This is click bait. Because hot topics like religion always bring out some boringly heated rant raves. Set the situation with no background info about himself, the ages of the kids, what happened to the kids' mother, then go to Reddit.

It's not real.

A long time ago I read about a teacher some teenagers had played a trick on. The kids had taken cut-up hot dogs or little smokies and put each on one end of a toothpick, then put the other end in the ground all over his front lawn. πŸ™„ The next morning, the teacher's lawn was a real mess from nocturnal animals who had a fiest then poo'd all night. πŸ˜‚ Maybe something similar to try?

Oh, and the teacher ended up bringing a class to his home and schooled them in DNA forensics to find the culprits.

I hope you find a solution.

NTA. Way to go, Mom!

And I do hope your brave girl continues to have a successful remission! Sending love to both of you πŸ’—

he does feel like the use of half is verbally keeping a distance from her that he doesn't see as fair or right

OP is NTA, although I am on the same page as her DH. Especially in OP's situation where there was no co-mingling of her children with a partner who also had children.

I think OP and DH's little one(s) are going to feel a natural separation from them anyway because of the big age gap. As the babies grow, the older ones won't be a constant presence in the home with school, activities college (dating 😱 😱) etc.

When the LOs are old enough to finally understand what halfs mean, it might not be too much an issue. They may consider the four of them as the real family and view the older ones who now aren't around much as "just halfs." That would backfire royally.

Maybe we've got this all wrong. Maybe it's the older ones who shouldn't label themselves as halfs. I still I believe the kids will be closer as they grow up as brothers and sisters without the label.

As children, my two boys knew they had different fathers, and even now, as adults, they've never considered each other anything other than brothers.

NTA. I wish all families had someone like you to provide a love and a safe haven to catch the child(ren) they discard like trash.😊 Thank You. I wish the best for you and your nephew.

Beagles are incredibly loud and live for barking.

NTA, but I would encourage you, and he make time to talk about this again. Could there be something in his past that is making him so adamant for you to be a SAHW? If he refuses to talk with you about this, would your DH consider therapy either with you or by himself?

What type of physician is he? At the very least, he shouldn't be prescribing medications for you. You should talk with your PCP and/or Gyn about these additional medications you're taking along with any BC changes she would suggest so another unplanned pregnancy doesn't occur. Whatever your DH has been prescribing won't be in your official medical records. You don't want the risk of any meds that shouldn't be taken together.

It's unethical for a physician to write scripts for family members. In some states, it's even illegal. He needs to stop this immediately.

I hope you are able to update us.

But do you really want her to visit? I think that would cause even more stress if she expects to be fed, entertained, and a hundred other things. Home alone with her or will DH take the reins and cater to her?

Tell DH to tell her that with LO's health so precarious and not able to be vaccinated yet you can't take a chance. His Dr is advising no visitors because they may unknowingly pass on all kinds of viruses. So she'll be able to attend all her church functions.

And what about MIL's health having issues? What about if she visits, what are you and DH going to do if she gets sick??

DH's answer is to say no, it's not a good time, and leave it at that. Why are new fathers allowing their mothers to lay a guilt trip on them. Tell her he doesn't want to hear about it anymore! And he's not going to pick up on all her calls every day because he's caring for his exhausted wife and new baby.

Come on, DH, if you're man enough to marry and make a baby, surely you're man enough to stop all this nonsense with your mother. Your sleep-deprived DW and LO need you right now. Your DM can wait until you, DW, and LO are ready, and it's going to be a few months, but you will FT every week or so. We love you. Bye.

I know my comment is kind of mixed up, but I don't have time to edit.

One tear, left eye, GO!! πŸ‘

This is my favorite! The look QE11 gives to Nutmeg is a classic and sums up perfectly what she thinks about that s***show wedding.

I don't think he would throw away a 20-year-old friendship with his BF for his GF. I never got the feeling that he saw her as anything other than a GF.

Plus, she literally attacked his bf's Wife for no apparent reason and refused to give an explanation that night or the next morning. Then, at the hotel, she took the car and left. At no time did she talk to OP.

I'm a bit confused about the vehicles, though. They arrived with two friends, so OP said it wouldn't be fair to them if OP & gf left that night. The next morning, they drive to the hotel, then gf takes the car and sneaks away leaving OP at the hotel, where later he is picked up by bf to go back to the house.

I applaud the longevity of their friendship. I come from a small town in New England, and even though I've moved around, I still have friends since first grade on up.

I'm enjoying reading this post. It has been giving me a warm, fuzzy feeling on this rainy, OK morning. 😊 🌍

It's your home. If he doesn't like your house rules, he's old enough to find somewhere else to live.

He pees in a jar because he can't take the few minutes to use the toilet? And he spilled it and didn't clean it up from your wood floor. πŸ˜’ OMG, dear, why is he being allowed to play games all night when he should be resting to look for Employment the next day?

Are you worried he could get violent if you force him to get off his ass and get a job?

Was his gaming device purchased with part of the money he stole from you?

Even though she is terminating her rights? I bet OP won't go for it. He most likely will not want anything that would involve her in the child's life, even just her name on obligations. I can understand him wanting a clear break.

She's acting so strange. Wanting no photos of her or even anything sentimental. It's like she erased her mind of everything related to her years with OP and the baby.

And she cut all ties with her parents too even though she became their only child after her brother OD'd a few years earlier. Odd.

There's no chance she'll get nothing in the divorce, especially with a child. Why would you think that? She works and contributes to the household. Their house and vehicles are probably in both their names, so she has assets, even in at fault states.

I'm Not excusing what she is doing. I'm simply responding to your misinformation.

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯