It’s only ever been Chelsea.

Who's that? Sounds like some twat from Portsmouth.

It’s only ever been Chelsea.

Fuck 3,
all my homies hate 3.

Here you go. The article is in German but even a poorly translated google translate version would corroborate what OP said.

Sag mir du hast noch nie eine _richtige_ Migräne gehabt, ohne mir zu sagen, dass du noch nie eine _richtige_ Migräne gehabt hast.

Wirkliche Migränepatient:innen überlegen sich an einem Krankheitstag zweimal ob sie sich auch nur einen cm rühren, etwas essen oder den Weg zur Toilette wagen. NIEMALS sind die fähig ins Büro zu fahren geschweige denn auch nur eine Sekunde dann so zu tun als würden sie was arbeiten.

It’s only ever been Chelsea.

I was about to say, MOTD has done this for literal decades and nobody bats an eye. Make like Ronaldo and touch some grass, people. And that includes you, JT.

80 minutes, no shots on target against SVK with a frontline of Saka/Palmer, Foden, Bellingham and Kane. This is amazing.

Oh you are in for a treat my friend. The timestamp in the video refers to the initial comment but I highly suggest you watch the whole thing.

If you look up "Kai Havertz" on google, this video should just start playing automatically on your screen.

I have been - and I still think rightfully so - on Jackson's case for most of the season, but it's worth noting that he still managed 17G / 5A this season, which isn't too far off Isak's stats and really not shabby for a first season in the PL.

That being said, I'd absolutely take Isak at Chelsea any day of the week and twice on matchdays. Alas, Steinberg is an absolute fraud, so none of this is ever happening.

Germany are great and all, but can they do it on a wet and stormy Saturday night in Dortmund?!

Das Recht wird ihr auch - soweit ich das verstehe - nicht abgesprochen. Selbstständig dürfte sie jederzeit einreisen. Es geht hier "nur" darum, ob Österreich dazu verpflichtet ist, aktiv ein Rückholverfahren einzuleiten.

Ah see, that's what Brennan wants you to think!

It was the proper medicine to get me down from my NED - AUT high for sure.

Watching ENG - SVN after NED - AUT is about as much of a downer as I could possibly imagine.

People need to realize that when somebody fails at Manchester United it is more likely due to the club and not due to the player

Mourinho was absolutely not kidding with his greatest achievement quote.