It’s a bad meme but have you tried saying hawk tuh. Its so fun to say

Tornado :Tornado:

My favorite is heal spirit with the dance and point

Tornado :Tornado:

Currently because of steam summer sale you can buy all the far cry games for less than thsi

You better have a nasa computer if you want to have a chance to play the mods.

Dude played it perfect didn’t touch her once when she went for the camera and kept it on her when she threw a punch then a good hit back not too much force legally but legal defensively and all on camera

Tornado :Tornado:

I think the thing about lvl 15 is it’s stupidly hard to get. The conversion rates are horrendous

I say make 3/4 a nice terrace and the other 1/4 a slip and slide and a water slide

Tornado :Tornado:

Even then needing so much to upgrade cards 1600 or 800 is nothing

The way you drive flowchart, are you going faster than the right lane cruise in left, someone is going faster then you move to right lane let them pass, then return to left lane

Person preference but for most men never any kind of deal breaker unless ridiculously fake or something. Boobs are amazing all shapes sizes and kinds

Hey idk about the guy but from the way the dog is I bet he’s a great owner and really cares for his pets well

I feel like you know you did an amazing job acting if people treat you like that like you’ve fully convinced humans that you are a completely different person, even if they are dumb still smarter than most creatures

People canceling him for this have never had to deal with a child it’s like the iq of a hotdog that can run

I ain’t want the people who make crucial decisions for our country to be the same ones that bought thier house for 5 cranberries a nickel and some bubblegum

People are saying all these things but valorant sometimes?? Like jumping ten feet hurts you as much as getting shot 8 times. I have jumped from higher than you take fall damage in real life and it hurt for about ten seconds then I was fine

Tornado :Tornado:

Well it’s good they got nerfed I’m a bit sad I never got to play with them when they were op

I thought it was going to be a celebrity trying to gain drama from a little injury. That is a really really bad actual injury I hope he recovers fast that is genuinely traumatic and looks beyond painful

Heatwave??? That’s what our ac is set to and that’s pretty low for us. Always big talk about our cardboard houses but this is exactly why

Alignment of wheel is off but I think it might be okay?

Simply put my steering wheel now has to be rotated slightly left to go straight however the car does not veer by itself at all and I can let go of the wheel and it’ll go straight without issue it’s just that the wheel is slightly off. Do I need to get a whole alignment because of this?

Before every episode there is a around 5-10 sec long screen that describes the content and says so this is clearly not for kids. People proceed to ignore this it infuriates me