I was so excited for the Vita. Bought on launch day with a bunch of games and accessories. First console launch I could do that with my own money that I’d earned working.

E3 that year was dry as fuck for it. Knew then that Sony had no hopes for the console and little long term support plans. Sobering moment.

Elden Ring was my first FromSoftware game and I struggled all the way up until Rykard before tapping out for a bit to play something else.

I randomly got Dark Souls Remastered recently and fell in love with it. It’s a much better entry into the series if you’re new.

No, buy it. Let many of us live vicariously through you 😂

I went into the game with the same mindset of trying to overlevel/prepare before moving to each new area.

I’m on my first play through- I got a powerful weapon in the form of the Drake sword early on and then quickly got lucky with a Black Knight Greatsword which I upgraded just a little at a blacksmith.

Definitely made the early part of the game less challenging. Most enemies were 1-2 attacks before dying. It humbled me massively last night when I unlocked Sens Fortress and got steamrolled at the entrance haha.

Actually on it myself, first play through too! I’ve just reached the bottom of the swamp and having to kill mosquitoes.

I’ve been experimenting with different pans and materials recently, and honestly my 30cm Hexclad pan has become my go-to. Just so versatile, capable and easy to clean which after a long day at work I’m very grateful for.

Thats a spicy take and I’m kinda here for it. I don’t oppose the Polin pairing at all but it didn’t have the weight to it that we get with Daphne/Anthony in their seasons. I didn’t hate the season at all, but Colin having one wet dream was all it took for him to fall head over heels and Penelope didn’t really…earn it?

You can’t go into a relationship unless you’re both aligned on where you want it to go. Compromising early on because you’re afraid of losing the other person will backfire so hard.

He’s gotten really annoying as time has gone on.

I’m sure by so many metrics, it’s an objectively great option in the segment.

But it’s an ugly hunchback car, has always been an ugly hunchback car, will ALWAYS be an ugly hunchback car.

Pretty much this. I’m under 5 ft 7 and yes you’ll definitely find that some people focus heavily on height, but there are plenty that actually don’t.

Getting in your own head about it can be incredibly counterproductive.

Range Rover insurance is insane. So much so that the company itself offers to help contribute towards it. But it’s a drop in the bucket when the annual cost is well into four figures.

I think as long as the phone continues to do what you need it to, then absolutely keep them running. A replacement battery every few years if needed is a quick and cheap repair via Apple.

Christ, what a list! If my Fiesta ever packs it in, I’m going to come back to this list for inspiration 😂 I’d imagine running and servicing would murder me but heck yes to an older, big engine Mercedes or Lexus.

What does “fuck you” money get you ballpark wise? Cos sensible answers aside, I’m buying a Bugatti.

Yes and no. I am grateful that my car is quite cheap in comparison to others though, for example insurance et cetera isn’t very much for a 1 L fiesta. I literally got an engine light yesterday which I’m not looking forward to having solved, but overall being able to drive, means I can get to work from where I currently live which makes it worth it.

It has been so hard. I think Instagram has been the worst culprit; the algorithm has me figured out so the discover sections just always have big moments/reveals posted everywhere.

My ex waiting at my mother’s train station for her to come home, just to give her a bag of belongings to pass along to me.

Ooof. I sold a copy of this a few years ago for £150-ish. Just seen some listings omg