I just took some similar taps off today. Try using a screw driver to push that brass ring anti clockwise. You can hold the tap to ensure the water doesn’t turn on. Once the ring is off you should be able to pull the handles straight off.

I’ve also heard Anthony has a very sweat tooth.

Whatever you do, don’t go to court and say ‘I didn’t know I couldn’t use it’. As they say ‘Ignorance is no defence’….. You can go to court, plead guilty and asked for leniency. I’d get a solicitor to do this for you though. Anything you do beforehand to correct your errors will probably look better than doing nothing at all.

Learner, P1 and P2 drivers You must not use a mobile phone while driving, even when you’re stationary, for example, stopped at lights or stuck in traffic. This includes: texting phone calls music emailing social media using the internet maps and navigation photography. This applies to mobile phones that are handheld, in a phone holder or hands-free, for example, via Bluetooth.

I note your post has a QLD flair. Section 10 is a discretionary power given to magistrates in NSW to not record a conviction if you are found guilty of an offence. NSW legislation has no bearing in QLD.

The pay rise you are getting is the government increase to minimum wage. Woolworths have to give you this pay rise anyway. The shareholders instead will reap the benefits of this at the cost to you. If you think you are worth minimum wage, then continue to vote yes to their EA.


For context, the winner of this event at the ‘24 World Aquatics Championships, Giorgio Minisini, scored 210.1355. The Winner at the ‘23 event, Dennis Gonzalez, scored 193.0334.

They have also made this Russian guy the best in the world.

You’ll be able to leave the gaming room to go to the toilet, take breaks etc. What you can’t do is do other duties that take you away from your primary focus, being that of RGO duties. EG working in the kitchen, serving at a bar other than the one in the gaming room, cleaning vomit in the toilets etc. A Gaming room with more than 10 machines still has to be supervised, these staff can escalate concerns to the RGO.


The spy who shagged me


Will this work with anything?

I believe it is actually 2 CDs

Someone is not taking safety seriously!

There is a flashing street light out the front of Maybe Sammy’s. That was my favorite.


The development consent conditions and liquor licence are valuable parts of the building. If these were to be restricted say by times of service or operation or what activities could take place it would devalue the property. I’d say the nimby complaints have the landlord worried about their investment….. Typical Sydney on all fronts!

I had one of these. Mum was always wondering why we had no potatoes. They were all in my pencil case.