What do you call blindly following an incoherent Donald Trump?

And besides, who's blindly following him? People have no trouble criticizing him, they simply know there isn't an alternative.

I'm starting to understand why killing Nazis used to be encouraged by the state.

As opposed to fucking Trump?

That orange shigibbon can't form complete sentences anymore, it's just one long stream of consciousness ramble.

As opposed to Trump?

Motherfucker rambles like a jabbering mental patient suffering from dementia.

Maybe they just figure Trump will be dead soon. He certainly sounds like he's in the midst of full-blown dementia, and people don't last long after that.

War is Peace.

Freedom is Slavery.

Ignorance is Strength.

The party expected you to disbelieve the proof of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

They went after trans and gay people first too.

Biden should use this power to forcibly remove at least Thomas and Alito, and maybe a couple other judges, and replace them.

They just said it's legal, after all.

I feel like Damon Albarn wrote a song about this in the 90's...

"No Mr. Farage, those are just normal people. You're just an absolute dipshit."

Now he's just trash talking Maya Rudolph's inspiration for Loot.

And nothing good will come from that.

People love her. She's adorable. She's America's Cool Aunt.

Wow. That goes hard.

Perfect. No notes.

Are you just fucking stupid?

Society is being brainwashed to hate trans people, because an angry mob is easier to manipulate.

Wake. Up. Sheeple.