He has every right to do whatever he wants as a UFA. We can all agree on that, and I think everyone sincerely hopes for the best for him.

Still a bad look, imo, for him to get greedy when he hasn't proven himself, and we did right by him at every step.

We were patient enough with him. Glad he took care of himself and all that stuff, but I thought it was a really bad look from him to play 1/4 of his contract and then come back and ask for a raise. Maybe he turns into a superstar, maybe not, but at what point he he just taking advantage of our goodwill?

:Jon_Snow: Jon Snow

They shaved in GoT when the king came to Winterfell, it's only Ned that never shaved.

It would suck ngl, I love the league team, and 100T is clearly good for the lcs

Looking at the track record, he seems to be an x's and o's guy that probably struggled to manage personalities as a head coach. Assistant is the right position for him..idk what people expected in an assistant coach hiring. Huge upgrade over savard imo

I just spent 2 weeks in Thailand and went to 6 destinations, so I believe this question is for me... I don't have enough time off from work, and I don't know when I'll be back in Thailand. It really is that simple, and I would wager it's the same for everyone else that travels this way.

But I loved my time there so much that I'll definitely be back for a more chilled out experience sooner rather than later.

Tbh the more I look at this draft, the more I think we can't really go wrong unless we go off the board. My preference is Konsta Helenius.

I don't want to give up on wolf, way too early. But success outside the nhl doesn't always mean success in the nhl. I would hate for us to give up on Vladar right now in favor of wolf.

The content became a bit bland for me. After the initial hype of 100T, it's sort became a place where popular creators are put in videos you've already seen a thousand times before, and none of them particularly care.

I would like them bring an approach where creators take ownership of the content, make something actually creative and new..

Roster looks like it'll be fun to watch. A trust the process type of roster.

:Jon_Snow: Jon Snow

I had to stop for the night too. Glad I kept going tho.

Theres lots of resources besides just textbook and youtube.

It's been a few years since I've been there, but they have tutorials where a grad student goes over problems. I always found these the least helpful.

They also had a thing called P.A.S.S, Peer Assisted Study Sessions, a student who got at least an A in the course helps students with some problems too. I loved going to these because it felt like the person teaching is very in touch with what could be confusing for the student.

Every professor has office hours where you can go and ask them questions. Before I went to UofC, the school had a reputation that it was impossible to build a relationship with your prof because classes were too big... go to office hours if you want to build a relationship, they really do care about your success.

As far as teaching style, in the econ department, it's pretty similar across the board. Prof writes notes on board or projector, or iPad or whatever, so you know what notes to take. They follow the outlines pretty close

As far as what the difference might be from what you already know, and what you will be expected to know... you'll only be tested on what they teach in the course, so don't worry about it.

Econ grad here. These courses aren't that hard in actuality, but the jump from intro to intermediate econ is a steep one. If you're thinking it's gonna be anything like the intro courses, you're in for a ride.

Went to high school with him, I didn't know him at all. but he played goalie in the floor hockey intramurals... he was actually insanely good, as good as someone can be at floor hockey goalie.

I don't think they convinced him. But its definitely not an accident it's happening now.

In general, I think bridge deals are a good idea. I think the tkachuk deal looks worse in hindsight, still gave the opportunity to trade him for stuff.