Now show a graph showing how much the serving size has decreased as well in addition to the price increases. It’s disgusting.

I’m a big fan of the chicken and dumplings. Always have it on my backpacking trips. Edit: Just noticed it wasn’t one of the flavors. My bad! Still my favorite tho!

I can understand that reasoning. I always did like the price point of my Chucks and and feet flat on the ground. And yea Converse. Lol. Brain fart

If shoes are labeled as “Weight-lifting shoes”, then that’s a lame cash grab. All you want is flat stability. No running shoes or anything too squishy. Stability is absolute key. I did power lifting and what people would call “body building” for 15 years. All I wore was low top Adiddas Chuck Taylor’s. Gave me the stability I needed. Better yet, no shoes at all. I know, not very sanitary. That’s why I suggest Chucks. But my strongest lifts were always in my socks. Feet flat to the floor.

Sturgill Simpson’s “Sound & Fury”. Homeboy even did a Netflix anime-ish film for the whole album. Going from his Americana Country roots to this rock/funk sound was crazy, and further showed his musical versatility. I thought incorporating a horn section to his sound in “Sailors Guide to Earth” album was so different and cool, but S&F really impressed me.

Exactly. What’s funny though is, I guess because my family is from Rhode Island, I also love the cold. Even more than they do. Hiking and Camping in frigid weather is one of my happy places. Next to being in my kayak on a hot FL day, of course!


Born here in 1980. Do I celebrate heat and humidity? No. Do I understand it’s a part of the life I’ve chosen and won’t let it interfere with any plans or fun I want to have? Absolutely. I’m not denying climate change, but it feels just as hot as when I was a kid. I’ve learned to shrug it off, and not sweat the small stuff.

If it keeps people indoors and/or off the road, sweet! Bring the heat! Let the real Floridians enjoy the state they grew up in. I got plenty of dry fit shirts and sandels.

Cool. Thanks for reply. I’ll look into it. $600 is worth peace of mind.

Welp. There goes my erection. 🫡

First CD I ever purchased. That, and Green Day’s “Dookie” album. Both from Blockbuster Music on the same day. God I feel old.

Oh yea, for sure! Our girls the exact same. She even has the double duclaws!

Good luck getting that cute little brat to ever come back once off leash. 😂 Very loving dogs, just require a lot of patience and time and positive reinforcement training with treats. Edit: For reference I have a TWC/Pyrenees mix. Love her to death!

Not to be a dick, but I just used this amazing new website called Google, and typed “events in St. Pete” and it auto filled “this weekend”. Try using that. Not this sub.

Your friends are Cancer. Cut them out.

I would rather shove bamboo shoots up my finger and toe nails than ever EVER drive through Orlando for a baseball game.

Thank you for your response! I will send over asap when I get home. Also it doesn’t make the “hum” noise right away. It takes a little bit to start hearing the noise when I flip the circuit on.

I have a weird “hum” in my 1st floor ceiling of my 2 story townhome. I discovered it is linked to a circuit in the back of my townhome. When I turn circuit off, it stops, and kinda sounds like something is powering down, a “brrrrrr” noise that fades in volume till no sound. I’ve listened by placing a stethoscope to ceiling. The circuit includes my small back porch light, an outdoor outlet in my porch and a few outlets in a small office nook that shares a wall with my back porch. My circuit breaker is in the kitchen when you first enter, and the “hum” is in the ceiling about midway between breaker and back porch/office nook. As I’ve said the sound is in between floors, so no easy access without cutting ceiling drywall. Any idea what it might be? I’ve had circuit turned off for a few months now. Also, working, so please forgive me if I can’t reply immediately. Thanks!