this school weird.

we had a student who just got his CDL A, have an interview with a trucking company this past week denied a job because he didn't know how to unhook/hook up a trailer.. this school teaches bare minimum

that's the "4-60" also called the applied leakage test. can't lose more than 4 psi in 60 seconds while holding down the service brake.

no, I'm talking about the "safe start" which is the first thing you do, before the "cut-out" test. it's how this school teaches the procedure.

Renaissance Man version of St Crispen's Day was my first exposure to this speech but my favorite is Mark Rylance's version

tbf, high interest rates results in lower inflation due to less money creation via fractional reserve banking (loans)

our union broke down for us that we would have a net positive on our take home pay if we had universal healthcare even after the tax increase due to no longer having to pay premiums.

they teach us to turn the key to the on position to turn on the gauges & if the psi gauge(s) read over 80 psi that we need to fan the service brake until the psi reads under 80 psi before starting the engine.

the school says it's a DMV requirement for the test but I can't find any information supporting this in the DMV handbook.

I got my class B in a 10 speed back in 2005 but my company is sending me to a local trucking school to obtain my class A.

my only guess is that it acts as a cut-in test since the cut-in is no longer a requirement when performing the air brake tests.

I work for the railroad in the maintenance of way department (we're the department that builds/maintains the tracks) & I currently hold a class B (I got my B in a 10 speed manual)

on the railroad we are taught to accelerate over crossings (don't shift gears, don't be in neutral, don't do anything that could decelerate the vehicle like taking your foot off of the gas pedal)

I just want to know what y'all were taught??

I hope they hire an MMA security squad with Tap Out shirts on every bus/rail station

you're obviously dense.

the federal government is suing Texas for blocking federal agencies from patrolling a federal border.

it's almost like Texas doesn't want the federal government from patrolling the Texas border.

meanwhile in California the state has no problem working with the feds.

funny how all these illegal immigrants come through Republican ass Texas where there's absolutely no border fortification instead of through Democrat ass California where they funded & built their own wall.

maybe Texas should sack up & build a wall like California did DECADES ago.

it's almost like Texas doesn't want a wall because having a wall will make Texas less Texas.

world production is down.

everything produced in America is always more expensive due to labor costs hence why it's cheaper to have stuff made in foreign countries & have it shipped here by boat.

Domestic oil production is up 35% under Biden compared to Trump


Domestic oil production is 35% higher under Biden compared to under Trump

Inflation has a 18-24 month lag behind policy implementation (specifically interest rate policy)

low interest rates drive inflation by adding to the money supply via fractional reserve banking.

according to that chart, the total supply peaked in 2022 but the amount of money printed in 2022 was less than the amount of money printed in 2020 & 2021.

all you have to do is look at the vertical angle of the line on the chart.

in 2020 the line goes up drastically, in 2022 the line falls nearly flat