Howard was laying into Jackie and said Jackie betrayed him and Jackie wrote a line where Howard called him "Judas the Jokeman" which is probably my favorite line of his ever. Just terrificly quick-witted.

I would tend to agree. My understanding of the girls' activities while at the company is they're basically anywhere but the main floor so it'd be a stroke of sheer luck to bump into one of them (within a minute of being inside, no less).

Sick doormats, by the way.

Eh, #4 and #5 are not shows, they're miniseries, which is another debate entirely and they honestly shouldn't be on the list or, if they are, True Detective seasons should be judged separately which would likely put Season 1 of that show at or above the level of those two as well.

I think there is a distinct, sizable gap between The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, and The Wire and quite literally everything else. The Wire also isn't talked about enough. I feel like fan consensus at the time gave it the rep it has now but as time has moved on, very few people (younger Millennials and Zoomers) have actually sat down and watched it. I mean, it wasn't watched enough when it was airing and if you look at the lack of awards that show has compared to practically everything else in the discussion for "greatest tv shows", it is staggering how little respect it garnered from award shows. The Sopranos is rapidly approaching this point with many of the above cohorts mentioned only learning of the show through Xers and older Millennials endlessly quoting it on social media. Those two shows are absolutely ancient to younger people, the odds of them being watched lessen by the day. Golden age of television is already being forgotten.

:virginiatech: :mountunion: Virginia Tech • Mount Union

The greatest dynasty in this sport at the collegiate level was without question the Larry Kehres years at Mount Union. You'll never see someone be that successful ever again. He broke Oklahoma's all-division win streak of 47 games by winning 54, lost a game, then broke the streak again immediately after by winning 55 games.

There was a period in time where a college program went 109-1 in 110 games. Absolutely absurd in every way, shape, and form.

Honestly, he was inside under the auspices of other DCC workers (if he was inside), do we really think Yoohyeon's instant reaction to someone calling her name is to scream and say "sasaeng"? I get that sasaeng exist and all but just imagine the sequence of being in your company's building and someone says your name and your reaction when it's someone you don't recognize is to scream like that, doesn't seem right.

I think it's 1 of 3 scenarios:

1) This guy made up a story to mess with people.

2) This guy left out details of his behavior which would then lead to Yoohyeon behaving as she did.

3) This guy is a known sasaeng to the girls and Yoohyeon instantly recognized him and thus reacted as such.

Option 3 seems less likely but I threw it in as the reason to believe his story word for word because I do not think any of the girls would instantly freak at the drop of a dime if they saw a presumed fan in the building not because it would be the wrong reaction but because they'd know not to exacerbate the situation with a potentially nutto fan.

Either of the first scenarios make more sense. He's either messing with people and was never inside or he did get inside and then what happened from there was not as he said and he did sasaeng behavior which made Yoohyeon appropriately flip out.

Everything sounds too perfect. He's outside, he meets a male worker, he somehow uses Google Translate or DeepL to then gain entrance to the building (huh?) and he essentially runs smack dab into a member on the ground floor almost immediately and then she has a cliched idol reaction to meeting him. That's how a kdrama would write a sasaeng-idol interaction, that's not how real life would work imo.

:virginiatech: :mountunion: Virginia Tech • Mount Union


  • Hideously underrated, expected to do nothing

  • Push #1 team in the country and get screwed on fucking OPI of all calls

  • lose stupid game to sub-par NCSU

  • win ACC by way of suffocating defense, dynamic dual-threat QB, and power run game

  • lose bowl game to other undefeated team in the country due to drops, missed FG, and poor preparation by HC who never figured out how to approach bowl games

That team was ridiculously good and title-worthy but typical VT dumbassery prevents it.

It's amazing how many people didn't get it was a bit. Someone called in weeks if not months after they'd driven him insane over the idea of doing it and asked Howard when the Real Doll was coming and Howard gave some kind of "cmon" answer and hung up.

Funny goof though because Eric had absolutely no sense of humor and really had no ability to laugh at himself so he was too dopey to ever know when a bit was going on. He was furious at the idea of a sex doll of him and spent his time harassing Johnny to find a lawyer to sue Howard over (which I'm sure Johnny just laughed at said "oh yea, I'll find one" and hung up).

All good. Was going to say, that would probably be the most divisive gesture someone could make in Euro right now.

or if a Russian player made a gesture in support of the Ukraine invasion

hard disagree.

It's more like a hotel at Captain Teebs!

I find that culling my storage twice a year helps. I tend to keep 2-3 of the highest IVs of every pokemon excluding other scenarios (shinies, shadows, xxl/xxs, etc) but I sort of default to keeping recent high IV catches and not digging in to see if that is better than what I have so I just go through and sort by # and just cull. If anything being replaced is decently old I tag it for trade just to boost lucky rates, otherwise it goes to the professor. Once I get the hundo of a species, I dump all the 96s and 98s I had unless that is a meta-viable species. For example, I just have my hundo Purrloin, shiny Glameow, and shiny Purrloin (I do living shiny dex), no need for any other high IV Purrloins.

CD shiny culling also helps. I find people hang on to far too many of those at times. You're not going to ever need 20 Seedot shinies, I'm sorry. Give 10-15 the boot and save some space.

Many people are bad about legendaries as well, especially useless ones. I've had people in my community complain about space but have literally 50+ Lugia.

I am the same, keep my best 3 after checking points, started to realize I didn't need 9 Paras or 11 Meowth XXL. I do keep my XXS, however. I will absolutely dominate my area with ease if they ever implement those because I'm pretty sure I'm the only one keeping them. 300+ wins and counting here.

:virginiatech: :mountunion: Virginia Tech • Mount Union

Nah, I didn't take it like that. There's always a counter to any scheme but gimmicks can do well in the correct situations.

:virginiatech: :mountunion: Virginia Tech • Mount Union

Well, fortunately for them, not that many teams run a good power run anymore. Much like the triple option, you will eventually run into better teams who shut you down but this defense seems like it'd be good for a decent amount of wins per year and considering where SH was as a program before this dude arrived, nobody is likely complaining.

Far less rare than an Unown nowadays, though. They upped the Lake Trio spawn rates considerably in recent times. Unown is still as ultra-rare as ever, surprisingly enough. Opposite should probably be true but shrug

I like when the Mega changes things. I'm in a "all Megas are hundos/high IV shiny at L40 (and later L50) and BB" phase and sometimes the change alters their speed. The most noticeable is Sableye and it hilariously makes sense. That little guy struggles with that gem, let me tell you.

He was such a fun streamer before he became a react and opinion Andy. I'm a completionist in games and played WoW so his Legion-era stuff when he really started taking off was so fun. It sucks he got so far away from WoW, too. I know BFA was a drag and SL was utter garbage but if he'd have stuck it out to DF it could have been a lot of great content.

Neat idea. I do the same thing when I have to explain this in my community but I use Mewtwo just because its base Attack is 300 so difference between 0 Attack and 15 Attack is a nice, round number to present to them for the discussion.

:virginiatech: :mountunion: Virginia Tech • Mount Union

Getting a DUI in the age of Uber is certified Dumb Motherfucker territory. It was stupid when I was growing up before smartphones were even someone's dream, it is especially dumb in the modern day. Zero excuse for anyone to get a DUI, zero.

:virginiatech: :mountunion: Virginia Tech • Mount Union

But they used to, that's the sad part. Hokie and future first-round pick David Wilson participated in this and his QB was Bryce Petty. They absolutely dominated and gave up 3 points the entire tournament. Wilson was essentially unstoppable.

It genuinely requires that little effort on the part of Team USA. One skilled RB and it's a wrap.

Her mom is really sick and she's caring for her.

It's probably more to do with cost benefit. If they make an 8 song mini and sell 100k and then make a 4 song mini and sell 100k it just makes sense to keep producing 4 song minis because that way the company doesn't need to pay for 4 additional songs that ultimately aren't translating into more sales. Fans aren't really out there making it an issue either so it's a safe decision for a company to make these days.

Same reason that bag of chips you love has shrunk since you were a kid.

They absolutely did. Korea (or anywhere) shouldn't be able to use another country's justice system as a runaround of their own, especially when it pertains to prying out personal information.

He was there and he really likes the girl on the far left when there's three of them on the screen at the beginning.

There was a picture taken later to commemorate the event. The 3 members of her group are allllllll the way on one side and the girl in question, Irene, is stood right next to KJU in the center (she's also leaning away from him).