Take this with a grain of salt, because i do play a lot of Historic, but i could see a world where Voice of the Blessed gets target down with removal just from the psychological factor. Especially in Bo1 where the opponent doesn't know that you may be running very little lifegain, just the threat that VotB can go off is enough to draw burn and removal, away from key cards like Cathar, Thalia and Adversary.

Im just glad you didn't go more into depth on the term "glazer". Might have gotten the post taken down :P

This sometimes happens to me when my internet is acting up. Especially when I had a month or so where my provider would experience micro-drops.


Brother, its in the name. All-STAR

It definitely was good! Id go as far as say it was the best counterspell available at the start of MTGA. Nowadays not so much. One of my favorite arts from the early sets too

There is a reason that MTG has been around for 33 years now. No matter the issues, even with all the fuckery WOTC has put their playerbase through, MTG will always be THE card game.

What is the feasibility of any of the ascendancies seeing play in Historic? [[Brokers Ascendancy]] looks playable

my brother in christ, you're preaching to the choir. Both my [[Kaya, Intangible Slayer]] and [[Xenagos, God of Revels]] decks constantly run into Nadu every other match. I chalk it up to the fact that i've played Brawl so much.

*plays busted commander*
*only gets matched against other busted commanders*
*shocked Pikachu face*

This sub has turned into a beatboxing subreddit, and a bunch of it is subpar


Its whatever Steph wants. I think his legacy as one of the greatest to ever do it is secured. If he wants to stay and retire here, I dont mind him getting the max untill he hangs it up, even if it sets the Warriors back. If he wants to go to Charlotte, send him there, hopefully get Ball and picks out of it. If he wants to ring chase, send him wherever he wants to go.

He didnt just bring the Warriors to relevance, he almost single-handedly changed how basketball in the NBA is played, and thats absolutly no shade to Ray Allen and Reggie Miller. He deserves to choose where and how he exits.


So far in the last few days, i’ve seen “AD will help clean up on defense” in regards to DLo, Klay, and now Jonas. I have a sneaking suspicion that AD cant be the only man out there playing defense lol

average Europa Universalis IV player.

:Eagles: Eagles :Lions: Lions

I was downvoted for this every time i brought this up in r/eagles, but our depth at line is incredibly suspect. I understand the allure of potentially grabbing both of our CB's for the future, but now we're in a position where we have a glut of quality DB's, and one injury away from giving a 36 year old Brandom Graham starter minutes on the line, with no quality rotation players. And god forbid if Davis and Carter regress.

Huge. At the very least this will make its way into Historic Bo3 sideboards.

Yeah but you forget that people deserve to live in LA, SF, NY. /s

I did exactly that. Couldnt carve out a living in California, moved to Midwest. Now have a house and a career. Ez.

I apologize for being a “lemming” and asking a question on a public online forum. Ill try better next time /s

I think they meant green as in “new and inexperienced” :P

I apologize for not being up to date on set announcement meta?

Huh, interesting. Ive been out of the game since March of the Machines, so it feels different

Why exactly are Duskmourn cards being spoiled before Bloomburrow cardlist being released?