They're literally talking about how bloody their revolution will be if anyone dares to stand up to them.

But what they do affects everyone. If there's two Russia's in the world and the rest of the free world is stuck between them, how long does it last before there's no freedom at all? UK is fallen, US is primed for it too. France, Canada, and Germany are all next from the sounds of it.

Once Trump is reelected, NATO disappears and Putin owns the whole of Europe.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em? I don't even know at this point.

I've uninstalled Reddit from my phone, which will help cut the worst of it (I am back now on desktop, so apparently it hasn't fully taken). And I'm going to take steps to medicate myself out of this state, even if I have to be on it the rest of my life.

The world will only change once more in our lifetimes. And it won't be for the better.

I'm praying every day for a miracle. For Dems to grow a spine, for a well-timed stroke, for literally anything. But when hopes and prayers are all you have left, you've already lost.

It's very clear to me that if the type of sentiment I've seen in the millennial sub, the place where the up and coming generation, my generation, talks, then we deserve the fire. Far too many right wingers on here for my liking.

For what it's worth, I have written VP Harris pleading her to call the court's bluff on this. Trump and the 6 justices don't need to be executed, but they do need to be removed from the calculus of this election very quickly.

Nothing Trump will do is in your best interests. It doesn't matter what those interests are. Do you want a stable economic life? You will be taxed into oblivion while the rich steal every penny you make. Do you want access to clean drinking water? Sorry, but someone with a factory in your watershed paid more to pollute it. Do you or anyone in your family require gender affirming care? They'll be killed.

I really want to go here next year, but I have a feeling the new government won't be letting people travel for a while...

You don't think Trump would use qualified immunity to commit the most heinous crimes imaginable?

The Supreme Court gave the president the powers of a king, and are now banking on Joe Biden being too principles to use that power before he loses the election to Trump (who will seize that power immediately). The United States is teetering on a knife's edge of dictatorship.

Everyone in the United States who hates the marginalized people here, who hates the environment, who hates social safety nets, is doing fine. Celebrating, even. It's me, who cares about those things, who suffers. Maybe it is self pity, because it was my bad luck that drew this particular age of humanity to live in.

And when Trump has anyone who speaks against him imprisoned in a few year's time?

I don't care about this election because it's Biden. I care because if the Democrat doesn't win, it's over for everyone. Either Trump or Biden will win this election. If Biden does step down, it will be imperative to vote for his replacement. But there's no guarantee that his replacement will have the same incumbency advantage that he does.

Also, there isn't going to be education in 10 years if Trump wins. Nobody will be writing papers about Democrats because everyone who has ever even posted online about opposing the Republicans will be dead.

People opting not to vote for Biden, while also not supporting Trump, have many good reasons.

A fallacy. Everyone who opts not to vote for Biden is supporting Trump, whether they mean to or not.

people can't focus on thier own happiness anymore without wondering what political effect it may have.

Politics shape your life, and therefore your happiness. It's always been this way. You'll see when it's too late.

Do you feel this way because you're confident that Trump will lose, or because you believe that some mechanism still exists to prevent him from becoming a dictator should he win?

What will happen in 2026? This is happening now.

The Supreme Court wants a war. They wouldn't have elevated the president to a king if they wanted a stable nation.

Voting against yourself to spite someone else is worthy of shame.