Fair enough just the 1st thing that came to mind, I forgot about Transistor that was good. Found Bastion annoying myself just powered through to get it done in the end.

It's sort of dependent on the GPU some deal with it by using the GPU memory clock to keep the monitors in sync, other ones just draw a few watts more power mine for instance will use 15w more with the second screen on and my screens are mismatched in basically every way possible (a 34" 1440p ultrawide as main and a 29" 1080p ultrawide in portrait) so it's not really something to be concerned about. I would say get a nice main and just something not trash as the second.

You really don't end up spending a lot of time looking at the second screen it's just nice to have for stuff you want to glance at or half keep an eye on in my experience.

  1. Nah does not have to be the same, just takes a bit of load off the gpu at idle if both are identical.

  2. Depends on alot of things 27" is probably smallest to get away with. 1440p is good enough at that distance 4k would be nice but not necessary.

  3. I'm an ultrawide fan so I'm biased, for gaming you really just look at the middle but for eveything else it's just more room for stuff. Sim racer myself it is nice to see cars around you without having to have a silly FOV.

  4. Get an adjustable arm so you can have both, portrait good for reading but not like watching stuff.

So open world first/3rd person RPGs?

Kingdom come Fallout NV/3 Deus Ex The outer worlds

Nah steamworld is like a universe and characters there might be a over arching story but I never picked up on it so can jump in at any point.

Qeust is a deck builder game as far as I know never played it for more than couple mins it's just not my thing. Heists is more like side view xcom if that makes sense like turn based kill enemies by being clever and thinking a couple of steps ahead.

Personally the original Dig 1 and 2 were the most fun for me they are like loot craft rouge lites.

They are very similar Oddesy has a bit more equipment specializing like certain things work better against animals vs people and stuff like that, honestly could have been in Origins as well and I just missed it tho.

Gameplay wise you get a boat again like in black flag and it's very pretty map and there is like a conqeust style thing where you advance a certain side with big battles. But the core gameplay is just AC again.

You probably will get bored at the same pace tho, wait for a sale and for now avoid Valhalla its just somehow very very tedious more than the other 2.

That's just starting to sound like minecraft, I'm probably not the right person to ask when a game tells me you can do anything you want my brain just makes a long beep and I have no idea what to do. I need structure and goals to aim for.

Saints row, kinda messing with the term fantasy but IDK

Nah its a 90% brain dead game with stiff like that and most of those endless sims like ETS as well what I do it just play for the achievements then you at least have something to aim for and it keeps you going.

The other game I was thinking about from EA is Burnout Paradise its also old but loads of fun, but also its not serious basically a crash/stunt driving thing.

Lol I just got off a session of FS22 it is indeed tedious but a second screen with something on it helps.

As to your question the only thing I have found in multiple thousands of hours of playing car games is test drive unlimited, but its really old and decrepit at this stage, not even sure its still sold on any store these days. Forza Horizon really does seem to be the only decent open world car game left, there is of course The Crew, some NFS games and there was something I believe released by EA but those are all so arcady that unless you like that sort of thing its not worth the time.

Could be so many things but if you suspect software why not just do a nice fresh windows install and bios update? Then at least you can remove that as a variable so if it keep happening when everything is fresh you can start eyeing hardware, I would personally start by testing the ram its always the ram that starts doing funny things the older every single one of my builds got.

Poor win11 gets a bad wrap, the right click context menus are annoying (and it cares way too much about bios settings, but once you get it going you can forget about it) but besides that its just personal taste. I prefer the way 10 looks but in every day stuff you you don't really notice its just sort of rounded and friendlier looking,

But if your the type to have multiple windows open all the time 11 is just easier to get along with , it just tends to remember where you left things even like after waking from sleep mode and I have a strange 2 x ultrawide 1 vertical 1 horizontal thing going on.

Outside the box suggestion but having people round and doing a couple of rounds of Geoguessr on a big TV with everyone having a look and input can be really cool, unless your talking like kids they probably wont get it.

If you are slightly familiar with it I mean guess the country style game not pin point the exact location.

I suspect it has something to do with one monitor waking up faster than the other that confuses windows and according to my friend it only happens when screens are on different resolutions.

Last week I moved back from windows 11 to 10 and it started happening, it was so annoying I just let it update to Win11 again now its fine.

The strange thing is I don't think I remember it happening years ago while on the exact same screens and on windows 10 so maybe it a newish bug, either way 11 fixed it and the edge snapping is so much smarter on 11 anyway.

Very well spotted scene and and well composed. Could maybe use a little more highlights and lifted shadows just to brighten it up like 15% overall, but then it might lose its moodiness.

This is the only answer

It does kinda sound like your screen is changing refresh rate though, if you set windows in the advanced display settings to the highest it can be on the main screen does it still happen? Some games are just full of it and in a menu you have to go tell it I want specifically whatever resolution your screen is at 60hz otherwise the default will just make the screen switch to its highest hz.

Shamefully its Skyrim. Its has all the gameplay elements I love, but I have started it like 10 times and always at some point (20 - 30 hours in) I just veer off to a different tangent and forget about it for years.

Is that not just your screen changing from one refresh rate to another? Like your windows is set to 60hz but the game is vsynced to 144hz so when the game opens it makes the screen change to 144hz.

Does it happen if you alt tab as well?