Yeah that’s because this is bullshit and utterly not true. If it was, don’t you think the DNC would be all over it like a cheap sweater? They’ve been trying to nail Trump with something for over 8 years now and nothing sticks. You think they just gave up? Please. There is r/thedonald and the rest of Reddit is just r/themostextremelyfarleftshityoucancomeupwith. Pathetic. 

Trump was never convicted of rape in any capacity. 

This whole “us versus them” two part political divide needs to stop. We have no civil discourse anymore. The is no “innocent until proven guilty” in the US any more. It’s “I don’t like you or what you stand for, so I’m going to publicly vilify you and justify by any meager means I can to make myself feel better or morally superior”. 

My comment isn’t even about Trump. Both sides are doing this type of shit and it has completely taken over our culture. It’s so sad to see. 

This photo is unsurprising given that it was most likely taken in a place that hates him. He’s very popular in lots of parts of the country. 

The Yankees did a similar thing with Sonny Gray. He’s throwing what they are asking him to throw. 

:dumpsterfire: Dumpster Fire

Yeah, but not only that, a lot of times these guys don’t know every single ingredient and the stuff that they’re taking and they don’t know what’s illegal and what’s not. So in a way I do feel for them. On the other hand, the game has to be fair.

I don’t know if my eyes could roll any harder. 

This generation of democrats is pathetic. Any time something doesn’t go their way, there is zero introspection. It’s just right to impeachment. 

:dumpsterfire: Dumpster Fire

John Taylor and it’s not close. 

Nothing you just listed is relevant to being a good president at all. 

Bobby Kennedy is an excellent candidate. Go learn about him. We don’t need Trump or Biden. 

Well I’m sure any source I provide you with, you would claim doesn’t count because it isn’t cnn or nbc (your favorite propaganda machines) but I was just stating what was widely circulated by a lot of people. 

You could not find a single credible source that Trump was in cahoots with Russia in 2016 either, but people still widely circulated the story anyway. 

This is insane. There is no way anyone in their right mind watched that debate and thought Joe Biden won. Lmao. 

Oh like Bobby Kennedy, who they banned from the debate? 

:dumpsterfire: Dumpster Fire

You know, around that time, Joe was getting hurt a lot. When you have a guy like Steve Young waiting in the wings, you make a decision at some point. The 49ers did that. They made a move that was good for him and good for them. Go cry about Joe, you have 4 rings. 

I agree with everything she said and I’m a guy. This is such a stupid thing to post online. You don’t need vindication. She clearly has different values than you do and neither hers or yours are wrong. You guys should just break up. Super simple.