
(at a coincidentally very bad time period of my life yes; nothing from that time period of my life remains. I doubt that I had taco bell before this dream but I'll check the date of the post anyway and I kinda don't wanna tell anyone whether or not I did because I feel like that's very close to telling people if I had bathroom problems which feels like personal and explicit information)

I don't think you quite understand yet that these were traumatic experiences for me, and when your only memories about sex consist of disgust and feeling it was irresponsible and then the first time you ever feel it it turns into THIS ISSUE THAT CONTROLLED MY EVERY THOUGHT yeahhhhhhhhhh... at first I hated feeling it but that trauma turned it to fearing it.

It was hell and I respect sexuality and believe in people's angency, I just get scared of sexual desire turning back into mental hell for me specifically,

it's not judgement it's fear 😣

I'm just afraid that they'll take over my mind again,

sex and feelings about it aren't inherently evil but I just have trauma with that emotion,

I remember that the emotion isn't bad but it still triggers a fear response.

🥺 honestly yeah I used to get that to about sooooo many different things... watching tv, playing Candy Crush, youtube, reddit, I have Autism and I needed to know how to tell when a special interest of mine was turning into an addiction but when I asked Autistics on reddit they basically said that addictions are only about substances; You, I, and professionals in medicine and psychology know better.

I mean video games don't literally rot your brain but they can become addicting so just make sure your kids sleep enough, eat well, don't stay in the exact same position without moving for the vast majority of the day, works on school and homework,if all those things are done without video games making them not happen then video games (in my opinion) are ok endlessly as long as none of these are stopped by the kid wanting to play them

A person who parents or churches that want a child/teen/adult/ person to not be trans "anymore" 🙄 hire to basically pretend to be a kind concerning therapist (I don't actually know much about what this awful process is actually) to attempt SUUUUUUPER HARD to convince the trans person that they're not trans and either shouldn't transition or should go back to their "original gender" 🤬

You're a great parent and I wish everyone who interacts with kids would strive to be like you.

Could YOU contact them?

and I'm sure you already told some people (like the principal) that more should've been done to stop it.

annnnd told your son that there's no excusing someone doing that kind of behavior to someone else

because you seem like a good parent.

The point of this post is half to vent about my trauma with internal sexual feelings that stopped me from functioning, and the other half is the reason I made this post which was to say that whenever I feel sexual feelings I feel like I'm being different than my personality, like I'm behaving more like someone else than myself.

this subreddit and its many useful links in the rules and "about" and FAQ sections taught me how to be accepting of those feelings and how to fufill desires responsibly and safely but couldn't exactly help me with the "my brain makes me think about this so much, all against my will, to the point that I might need a new mental diagnosis because I can't do life due to the severity of this" issue.

If I had been so bluntly honest to the internet at that time I would've made a post that said something like "I miss being Asexual not because sex is bad, but because I miss functioning as a human being"

I just formed a stigma about myself feeling it not just because I felt like it conflicted with me wanting to be a responsible, reliable, and "child like regardless of age" person, but because I felt like I didn't have a choice in the matter with what I was feeling, and all that because when I first felt those feelings IT BECAME SO INCREDIBLY STRONG AND FREQUENT THAT THEY WERE RUINING MY LIFE! it never looked like it from the outside but at that time period I couldn't function. I couldn't complete a single task, a single thought, do a single thing without some super strong sexual craving interrupting. (none of this is exaggerating) I couldn't sleep, work, hold a conversation, WALK without my brain basically spamming "cravings" at me and it interrupted my ever thought and action;

I knew then and I know now that that's not how sexual feelings are supposed to behave (I mean I'm no expert but I'm certain that any emotion or inner mind occurrence doing ANY OF THAT BUT LET ALONE ALL OF IT can't be healthy for your life.)

I know as a fact that sexual feelings don't inherently come with all the crap that time period put me through but I still have an unconscious fear that if I feel sexual feelings again it would mean more of that... internal hell.

I felt like I was losing my mind during those months, I don't ever want to feel like that again.

I accept my sexual feelings but they feel disconnected from my personalityI can't find a flair that fits

I have felt *exual desire, I have (I think) learned to accept those feelings but... the first time (or many times) I've ever felt it just feel like... my Body wanted it but I as a person didn't. like that's not the kind of person I am and my personality is all Happy and Goofy plus mature and serious when I need to be... and something like *ex is it's own "mood" that just feels alien against my personality. just seems like something I wouldn't do and/or wouldn't want and I've only wanted it when a just FLOOD of puberty hormones basically made me have "cravings" for specific types of intimacy, and in those time periods I felt trapped, like the hormones forced me to feel things that aren't me and most importantly THIS TIME PERIOD WAS CHARACTERIZED BY SO MANY *EX CRAVINGS THAT I COULDN'T FUNCTION. THERE WASN'T A SINGLE MOMENT FREE OF THESE "cravings" SO I COULDN'T GET MY HOMEWORK DONE OR CLOSE MY EYES WITHOUT SEEING BRAIN MADE *ORN BASICALLY. I told my Psychiatrist about these issues and thankfully medication has ended the "disruptiveness" of the cravings and dramatically reduced their frequency (I can function again yay!) but that time period was kind of traumatic for me and the point of this post is about the identity vs sexuality issue.

what do y'all think?

:lesbian::abro::aro: AbROmantic Les

OP is it Ok if I ask why you don't like your breasts?

if u don't know why then that's fine

Please tell me if you don't want to answer my question for any reason 😁

:lesbian::abro::aro: AbROmantic Les

well making sure she's safe (same with everyone who uses a chest binder) is the doctor's, manufacturer's, and safety standards enforcers's bussiness I'm pretty sure.

(it's obviously also her's and I don't mean to say you're completely wrong or something)

:lesbian::abro::aro: AbROmantic Les

I've donated to charities that fund free chestbinders for transgender youth but unfortunately I don't know what they look like or how they work AND DEFINITELY DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THE SAFETY RISKS AND NOW I FEEL LIKE A MIGHT'VE ENDANGERED PEOPLE!

I gotta do research before donating to a charity (which is dystopian as a fact because they all should be required to be reputable and effective charities in order to exist.)