Omitting Fallout 4is criminal.

The reality was the planes you’d be familiar with but this color palette, ashtrays in the armrest, a haze of cigarette smoke and slightly more legroom.

Sure! Jar-Jar is a great name, I am sure your child will love it.

I’m going to put mirrors on my car! My cats breath smells like cat food. (chuckles) I’m in danger!

We’re at a point in our country that the far right has decided its issues are more important than continuing the traditions of democracy in favor of fascism. This is likely the last election that isn’t controlled by a fascist state. We shouldn’t make it easy for them to finish the job.

One of the main reasons 3printing was invented was to make rapid prototypes. If the horns don’t work you can reduce the infill to near zero and reprint.

Russian officials and operatives had unfettered access to these rooms while they were at Mar-a-Lago. Just sayin 🤷‍♂️

Could get 3 or more slabs out of that and if this process was followed it could bring $30-40k

Change the cosplay to Fallout and you have perfect VaultTec vault dweller boots.

Picard has been eating popcorn on the bridge again!

It’s the fascist playbook. The news they don’t like is fake news. They spew so many lies that people don’t know what to believe. This way they can get away with anything they want to. Convicted felon? No problem! They just spew lies about the court, jury, judge and DA. I’m telling you all now. The 2024 election may be the last election of the United States. We are heading straight for fascism.

There’s those on the police department that support this behavior.

I don’t agree with the stance he’s taking on Israel but I am not stupid enough to ignore the rest of the work he’s done and say he’s second shitstain. I got news for you pal. You’re in for a rude awakening if the christofascists gain full control.

When lives are at stake let’s just settle on the most conservative interpretation ok?

Remember. Voter registrations are public knowledge. Once the fascists have power they will come for all registered democrats. Trump has already started touting the camps solution.

You are believing the bullshit the gop is shoving. Biden isn’t sitting around doing nothing. He’s doing a ton of work to undo the Trump years damage and help people at the same time.