I’m not familiar with this guy could you post some quotes on the subject

Harriet’s wildest dreams and remora house do good work

1)my mom used to be an addict. Because she was housed and taken care of she now owns her own business and is (more importantly) alive. She was able to save her own life because she was housed.

I know people like you don’t have empathy for people outside your own circle of loved ones though because you’re vicious selfish people. So—

2)we already foot the bill. Anyone who goes to the emergency room gets treated no matter how expensive their problem because we’re a society that doesn’t let people die in the street. I know you’d like us to become a society like that again, but that’s because you lack a moral compass. For the rest of us who don’t wanna live in a barbaric society It’s much cheaper to house people so they don’t have to go to the emergency room with rotting toes in the first place.

Your union wants more than that, your bosses negotiated them down. You’ll get more if you’re ready to go on strike

Hi what do y’all think i can do with my moms old skis? I don’t want to throw them out but they’re very old

Thank you so much for this is really helped

As an autistic person, that looks to me like he knows exactly how happy he made her. That’s why he started flapping and skipping, it’s a sign of hype and excitement

There’s a lyric from a song that this conversation is making me think of

Solidarity forevvverrrr 🎵 For the un-ion makes us stonggg🎶

Jokes aside, for all the mistakes of the US labor movement, this isn’t a problem we can fix by ourselves. Shout out to the Harvard and UCLA strikes recently

How do I check in on my ailing grandma?

I miss her but every time I want to text her I don’t know what to say because all news is bad news.

If I ask how she’s doing it’s all bad news, worsening health shitty doctors. If I ask what she’s been doing she’s only been going to doctors appointments. I feel like asking these things makes her sadder but I know not hearing from me does too

Idk what to say I miss her though

I think it’s actually the authoritarian logic of the two major revolutions that actually led to the latter.

If you look at modern day revolutions that oppose those logics they don’t “devour their children” because the incentive to violently consolidate the “true revolution” isn’t there.

Modern revolutions like in Rojava and Chiapas have not had these dynamics despite being 12 and 28 years old respectively

This is called a wildcat strike, get connected with the other workers get together some demands, figure out your legal right.

Good video! There was a lot of stuff here that I didn’t know.

Although I wish there was more of a focus on how Rojava relationship with the rest of Syria.

It’s no longer primarily a Kurdish project. If anything it’s primarily a feminist project. Arguably the most successful feminist project in the world.

But the sense you get from this, other than one small line, is that it’s an outpost for the PKK.

Because this whole show is a freaking escalation, I am in shock

I feel so unreliable, have other figured out ways to fix that?Questions/Advice

I’m really good at creating deep relationships, but I really struggle at maintaining them because I’m realizing I’m just unreliable. I make promises and forget to keep them I double book.

I’ve gotten better at using my calendar, but often times I’ll try and make a bunch of plans and I’ll get several yeses forgetting I am made offers for those times earlier.

When it comes to the promises thing, that really gets to me because I want to be a person who keeps their promises. It’s important to me, but it’s so hard.

What do people think of the theory that Usopp will be able to lie through hakiTheory

Obviously Usopp is building his observation haki, but it’s still leagues behind many of the characters the straw hats are up against now. But when it comes to powering up It wouldn’t be in character for him to just train hard and get the super most powerful observation haki to defeat all other sniper characters.

However a while back I saw this theory that I love. Basically the way he becomes a sniper on the level of Yasopp and Van Augur is instead of his observation haki and future sight becoming the most powerful and accurate and cool, instead he’ll gain the ability to sabotage the future sight of other characters. To trick their haki! They see him shooting right but he shoots left.

It would be the perfect way for Usopp the Liar the become the powerhouse warrior of the sea his captain needs. Not by being the coolest most powerful sniper but by being a wildcard who disrupts the cool collected manner of everyone he fights. The greatest liar in the world.

What do other people think of this theory? Do they think it has water? Is there foreshadowing for it that I don’t know about or is this purely a headcanon hope?

I just realized Oden’s hair is a platform. What he was born for.Analysis

I’m not sure if this is an obvious observation but the whole time I was watching Oden’s story I kept thinking “why is his hair shaped like that?”

I thought it was some sort of cultural reference but then


Bruh I’m gonna die one day, knowledge is maintained when there’s redundancy.

Obviously I’m learning things but literally no one can learn all the skills and knowledge that a community passing down knowledge can

I wonder If people would be noticeably lighter before “planet set” in a world that is a moon