cover of "Sound of Silence" by Disturbed as songs better than the original.

Ew. No.

Is this the new "Is <insert super popular artist> underrated?"

Eminem is literally one of the most popular and most award winning rappers of all time. Fuck off out of here with "iS hE OveRHaTEd?"

Edit: Accidentally typed overrated when I meant underrated

but you can't make dumb illegal

You CAN make negligence illegal though, and choosing to not give your child their life saving medication is absolutely negligent behavior.

It's still an infantile tantrum. It doesn't matter if he's celebrating or expressing frustration or whatever else. Getting up and throwing chairs around is an idiotically childish thing to do.

heavily over exaggerated "pop offs"

Can we stop calling it a pop off and call it what it really is: Infantile tantrum

Jesus fucking Christ here we go with "le SuMmER ReDdiT" comments, as if teenagers aren't on Reddit during the fucking school year. Shut the fuck up moron.

I mean, they've clearly been there since well before the video started.