Excellent player, tremendous last couple of playoff runs, and probably not good enough to be the number 1 on a champion (at least anymore).

Like man I beat 90% of the dlc and I just left radahn for the last thing. I think this buff is bullshit

This freaked me out so much first time I saw it

This dude is a nun mask away from fully recreating the town irl

If anything we need to draft a center. If we resign white, that’s the only position we’ll have questions about after next year

I love Randy man, fuckin legend

Let’s wait on this take for a few years. If they only win this year then probably not. But if they string a few chips with this core over the next 5-6 years then it should be considered one just because it would have been the beginning of an all time team.

He played some big minutes, appreciated the contribution while KP was out

Look I understand some logic in a mavs in 6 take, if they can get one on the road and win all their home games. But, mavs in 5 is just an insanely stupid take

Sometimes I spell Jerry with a “G” and an “I”

If I’m takin anything from this… it’s the DWhite shots. Man looks scary

1000000000% deserved. Absolutely most clutch player on the team in this series

If Peyton Pritchard getting kicked int he face isn’t a flagrant, then that’s also not a flagrant