I always wanted to be able to see a pitcher crank one over the fence. David Price was quoted saying he would do cartwheels all the way around the bases if he ever hit one out. I'm disappointed I never got to see that. 

Cash pinch hit a guy hitting .033 because he is right handed

:tbr2: Tampa Bay Rays

I've sneezed and had back spasms because of it. One time was in my late 20s, so it's not just because I'm getting old. Totally reasonable. 

They’re awesome. Disappointed I couldn’t make it work to get down there tonight, but I hope everyone who gets one puts it in an awesome place.

Feels like it needs a Skyray sticker right where Raymond is spraying the can.

Funny enough, my 11 year-old got some vaccinations yesterday and his record shows he got a polio vaccine when he was younger. 3 doses in his first 6 months and then a 4th dose when he was 4. You might have been vaccinated already!

supposed deadly force being used in the search

I saw a headline from Fox News website yesterday and that just makes me scratch my head. It seems like such a weird thing to me, like something that got made up or twisted in some way.

Why would they need to authorize the use of deadly force? Did they think the Secret Service agents would open fire on them or something?

You mean the act I named in full other than the year?

I can see where the confusion came in, because I was confused by it too. There's nothing in your post that looks like an act name or a document title. I eventually searched for "paired militia act" and got some info based on that.

/u/SwampYankeeDan you're looking for the Militia Acts of 1792 and the Militia Act of 1795.

It was getting larger over time so we had it removed before it started causing any issues. It was just fatty under the skin and didn’t seem to intrude on anything else. It didn’t seem to bother him but he did cut it open one time, we think he was rubbing along the side of the house and it opened the skin.

This shirt is very obviously merch for Tool

Especially when you zoom in to the bottom right of the text and it has the band logo there!

Otto had multiple removed over time, but one by his back hip and one on his gum removed when he was 11. They found the one on the gum because they did a teeth cleaning/extraction while he was under for the lump removal on his hind.

He lived to almost 15 so he did fine afterwards. Just had to follow the recovery. They did test them all for cancer as well. 

We have yet to have a Schnauzer that hasn't had to have a lump removed at one point in their lives (Fritz, our 4th, is almost 6 and has yet to have one, but we will see).

TBL - NHL :61311:

I'd be shocked if he wasn't 4th. I'm actually quite curious to see the final tallies and see how close, in terms of votes, he actually was to top 3

This is actually a great idea. When I make pulled pork I portion some out in small vacuum seal bags and freeze it. Drop the whole bag into some hot water to defrost and warm up, and I've got a hot pulled pork sandwich with no smoker required!

John Hopkins Middle, just south of the Trop on 16th st

:tbr2: Tampa Bay Rays

That was my first thought reading the title. Closest he's been was 185 hits in 2011, and he lead the league in walks that year too. 

Erasmo signed a minor-league deal with the Rays last year knowing what his role was going to be. He said it was like coming home. He loves the Rays org, I don't think there's anywhere else he would rather be at this point. He was all smiles last night.

He still has stuff and compete in the bigs, let's keep rolling with Erasmo!

Oven-roasted Brussels sprouts are actually really good. Salt, pepper, garlic powder... I usually use olive oil but using bacon grease (if available) is heavenly. Roasting them helps bring out the sweetness and tame some of the bitterness (I'm sensitive to bitter flavors).

They love when the ball people make great plays. They'll even call-back to it the next night!

I was trying to get a "Yankees suck" chant going but nobody seemed to catch on. Figured it was something all fans in attendance could agree on.