As for some interview questions.

Have them explain what their 30 60 90 might look like. Ask them to deep dive the objections their current buyers have and how they counter them.

Ask them how they build trust with product and sales.

Ask them what their process is for decision making and how they get data.

These answers should f9r the ideal candidate show someone who is amazing and building cross functional trust and is customer obsessed.

Oh, and hire someone that you are pumped to work with. It matters more than a lot of other things when it's a 2 or 3 person team.

Hey! I've been in your shoes as head of marketing hiring a team.

A few pieces of advice.

  1. Find someone who is a decent generalist. You are a small team, and likely this person will need to do some things outside a traditional PMM role. Make sure they have done some other things too.

  2. Focus on finding someone who has done product marketing on small teams (better yet as the only pmm). I would basically send everyone who has been primarily in large teams straight to the garbage.

  3. Find someone who is experienced. These types of roles are not ones to get someone more junior and coach them up.

  4. Find someone who has worked in at least 2 very different at least semi technical industries and been successful doing so. This shows they have frameworks for understanding new industries. Even if you find someone with experience in your industry it doesn't matter much. What matters is they know how to connect to the audience and get the product quickly.

  5. Have them explain the products they've worked on. Pay close attention to their ability to show the value quickly.

Good luck!

Also you provided links to opinions. Not primary data sources. Yawn.

You are hopeles. Or a troll. Probably a troll. You didn't address a single thing mentioned.

For everyone else here, don't listen to this straw man nonsense. Look at capital outflows to safe harbors, relative unemployment rate change, and investment in hopeful/leading indicator sectors.

Why would you listen to a surgeon? Why would you listen to a geologist? Listen to people who know way more about a subject than you ever will.

My dude. You say that like any of that is new or a surprise to anyone who knows economics.

Unemployment rates matter when comparing apples to apples. Notice I did not mention the stock market.

Please stop the straw man.

If you can refute any of my metrics please do.

Yep. If I can get him round 4 or 5 as my RB 2 I'm happy doing that

Fair! I just think there are way too many red flags to draft him as an RB 1. I'd say he is a mid tier RB 2.

Absolutely! And i don't mean to sound so harsh. I think he's a good player that is just waaaay overhyped right now. He's going about 2 rounds early IMO.

  1. He's injured
  2. His coach doesn't stick to a single rb for long
  3. His usage last year was unrealistic
  4. He isn't a great talent
  5. His team drafted a great (potentially better) rb with a high pick
  6. He didn't even win the starting job last season until there were injuries

I'm staying far far away.

Very strong unemployment rate, positive investment recovery in leading indicator markets (tech primarily), lack of strong capital outflows to haven markets. All of those are easily searchable.


You are fucking disgusting. Gtfo.


How about you try not being a piece of shit? Maturing past the age of 12 is nice start.


I suspect you just don't have close relationships with people where they feel comfortable talking about it with you.

Very few people don't have any level of anxiety, depression, or ADHD.


Like 90% of people are mentally ill dude.

Trained economist here, all the people who are fluent in economics that I know firmly believe we have an extremely strong economic outlook. This doom and gloom is nonsense.

It's been 6 months away for the past 2 years. Give it a rest. You were wrong, the economy is fine, sit down.


Do you seriously know people who aren't? Everyone is mentally ill, at least everyone interesting enough to engage with.