Literally could get hurt or worse at any second. Why live so scared? He’ll be alright

I’m sorry I disagree. It’s basketball. More dangerous stuff is put in there. But basketball? Come one.

Let me ask you this. If you were AR. Would you want people telling you how to live your life and what you should and shouldn’t be doing? Of course not. That’s all I’m saying. I get that he gets paid for his opinions but when no one gives a shit. Move on.

Yea, never been a fan of his. He always screamed “peaked in high school”. Yes I know he made it to the league, but he’s got nothing after. He wishes he was still playing and is hating on this generation for having fun and enjoying themselves.

This screams old white guy is just jealous. While his points are valid that dunking a ball doesn’t translate to football. Just let the kid enjoy his life. For as long as he can dunk a ball, fucking go dunk that shit.

Not that I know of but there are places in Indiana that shuttle. Some bars and restaurants in Mishawaka offer different options.

It’s funny, because even without a picture I know exactly what you’re talking about. Was with a friend 3 weeks ago. Stared at what I thought was a star for 2-3 minutes. Then it started moving. Showed my friend. We watched it move oddly in different directions for another 2-3 minutes. Then it vanished. We’re still talking about it.

I am actually excited to see peoples great plays made with this game…I’m just hoping peoples level of great is high enough to warrant the influx of videos. Either way, I’m here for it lol

We’re missing road to glory so that should be in the modes section.

Road to glory not being recommended hurts my heart. That’s my favorite mode lol

Man it’s been 10 years, I can’t remember that far haha but that is good to know!

The fact that you can schedule a quarterback recruit and wide out on the same visit and there are benefits to do so?! So realistic and immersive. Gosh i can’t wait lol

With the editions they brought in there is potential for this to be true. If Riley Leonard stays healthy I could see this being true towards the end of the year.

Adam Cole can tell better stories…through promos and in match storytelling. If I want incredible spots, I pick Kofi.

Damn, ok I guess you’re right. Regardless, I hope they’re both in and look glorious. Haha 14 days!

I haven’t seen it yet, but I really hope at notre dame you can see the dome on one end and TD Jesus the other. And if it’s there, I hope it looks this good (it’s no mountains but it’s beautiful lol)

First things first. No reason to say you’re black. What does that matter?

Belair, Lashley, Flair, Hogan, Angle, HHH randomly, Piper, Hart, Orton. Northern Indiana.

Hit 24/27 packs the other day with the Walmart hack

I played on madden wide out and had a blast lol

Road to glory is my jam. It is my primary game mode. I plan on creating and trying each position and how it works within the mode before deciding which one to go the distance on.