Nothing to be sad about. If it’s funny, it’s funny.

Because I thought it was funny? My knowledge of the human body had zero weight in my decision.

There was definitely internet. It just wasn’t everywhere.

Noooo That doesn't go there!

I actually say "yo" or "yeah" I usally say "yes?" if its work.... I just realized this.

Big Trouble in Little China

Edit: well snap! Glad to see a lot of folks feel the same!

Well shit I donated my salary this month to trump too. Never been to New York. So ummm never going again??

I wish they would just stop. Just be rich in silence.

It’s a lot of fun. Cool world to drive around.

I know some of the ambiance sounds in that album are straight from RE4

Bad ass dude. So many memories going through this. I had a lot of those posters as a kid.

Honestly, the bun is overrated. Just eat the dogs dude. Gross.