Not to take away from what happened. The car was clearly in the wrong. But do you have a light on the bike/scooter? It might make you a bit more visible to dumb drivers.

I'm not disputing rhe fact that your allowed to make jokes. But being racist and calling it a joke is not really a joke. I'm Irish. I get all the potato slagging (oddly simular to jokes about Danes) virtually every day. For what might be a joke to you is something the other person has to listen to on a daily event.

Just having the term hygge racism shows how poorly the Danes try to combat the problem by making light of it in a 'it's not so bad' way.

Racism is racism unfortunately and should be treated as such.

Checked your other posts and can find any info on what it is you are using for cloning? When I was living in Thailand farming cannabis I built a simple cloning machine, a 12v pump sprayed water into a fine mist across the exposed cut.

Op looking for the new spot 😂

I'll have a read up on it tonight and see what I can figure out. Many thanks 😊

Exactly. And im not going to earn anything more by doing this.. Its a project and it can make my working day easier. But I'm all about learning more about hardware etc, the F0 opened up loads of possibilities and questions for me.. The esp32 being one of them..

If anything this is pushing me to think more about the possibilities of what an esp32 can do and how much of it I can learn.

Nope, there's usually a simple problem like it's been plugged out, or on a rare occasion a cooler could be running a bit high in temprature. Sometimes they are installed in basements or other areas without the best airflow. It's a microbrewery, I'm on a basic salary.

But obviously with a pitch like that you are hired. 😉

Beginner to Esp32 - temprature sensor that uses LoRa

Hey all, I'm looking at a esp32 as a potential tool for cooler monitoring.

Im a technician for a microbrewery, we have coolers that go out to bars that serve our product. 80% of my job is figuring out why beers are not pouring well, 90% of that issue is temprature related or there's no power.

No power? No cooling.

So I'm looking to install a esp32 with LoRa (some of the places don't have WiFi, for example, festivals, street parties, and other pop up events)

I want to relay live temperature information to a mobile app or to a database I can log into via my phone while I'm on the road. It would also be nice to have the logs or a graph to view fluctuations in temprature.

Im aiming to put together one unit as a prof of concept and see how it works out.

Can anyone reccomend a board, what would be needed for said project and maybe any advice that I might need?

Many thanks. If it works out, I owe you guys a beer 🍻😁

Still no data. Calls work no problem. Anyone else still having issues?

All day since about 1300. Its still not connecting.

I'm living in Copenhagen, it's standard over here.. You don't get junkies begging for a euro, instead they scour the streets and clean up bottles and cans to make money.

My wife's boyfriend also says its a sure thing.

When the bikes or scooters are pushed over, they are temporarily disabled. No sales in that area, then they are not put there any more.

I see it as a class action demonstration against the placement, the recklessness of the company and the hindrance of these bikes.

Time to open an onlyfans.

So a nice response would be "without mass variable, it's impossible to calculate"? 😂

So you take a dump of the cards and go investigating?