Pickleball is all over fashion right now too. I don’t know.

This never happened to me either. But I’ve heard from people who work at elementary/middle schools that it’s a pretty common occurrence. My mom was and still is a scary Asian lady and I grew up in a very non-Asian area. Those neurons never once crossed paths in my brain 😂

This sounds like such a boy thing. I had a coworker who had a son who was 7 or something and he had had recurring “ear infections” that wouldn’t clear with multiple courses of antibiotics. A new doctor finally figured out that he had stuck a piece paper in his ear and just…. forgot about it?

If you use gloves, I would suggest the most skin-tight size or else the flabby bits are a nightmare!

Yes, that’s gross. I don’t do it. But I also don’t blame you for not being able to resist 😂

I make kissy sounds and tap my cat’s head with my chin hahaha

Took me 6 yrs to get to six too. Started in non-profit, no public experience either. $100K is senior accountant range these days though. I hope you don’t have to manage people.

Hydrogen peroxide and Neosporin go against everything we’re taught to do for cuts and abrasions these days. Throughly/gently wash with soap and water and then apply Vaseline. Keep it moist. When it’s healed up, apply SPF.

Also just reading your other comments— yes, go to a doc first. That is large.

I think they can negotiate down the in-house repercussions by replacing some of that time with some other consequence. Like volunteering outside or doing chores for the girl or something. If you think you genuinely need to reduce the amount of time, then you can do so, but also don’t fold under the pressure of others telling you it’s too long if you really think it’s appropriate. I wouldn’t tolerate “pranking” like that of any kind. Pranking is like putting a fake spider toy on the toilet or something.

140lbs at 5’4” isn’t bad. And a 14 year old has some growing to do still. That was my weight from 7th grade to about junior year of high school. Same height. I grew about an inch in college. As long as she has healthy dietary and activity habits, she’s fine. Those pills can have lasting physiological effects on her body— including potential kidney and liver damage that she may have to deal with for the rest of her long life. Not to mention the psychological impacts.

Didn’t mean anything negative towards you. I’m just surprised the article image you posted is dated a few months ago. Like, is my memory a fever dream, or do article/blog writers not have anything more contemporary to write about? Haha

I have a silicone spatula-spoon meant for cat food. It’s easy to scrape all of the food out of the corners of the can. I feed 1.5oz at a time mixed with water to make it a chowder-soup consistency on a wide anti-whisker-fatigue steel bowl.

I feel like I heard about this like 5 yrs ago. Did the story get re-released or something? 😆

You could try the boutiques if you have access to one. I went to the Los Angeles location back in December to exchange something and they randomly had one come in that day. I’d been there the day before and it had not been there. I asked if someone had returned it, and they said that it was new and they get one-offs sometimes. I went online to read about it on the official site that same day, and it was sold out online.

There are people who wear jewelry to do everything. It’s recommended to take it off to wash hands, shower, wash dishes, etc. assuming the ring is solid gold and diamond, you can just do anything in between. lol if your ring has any softer stones, then you should def take them off when doing particular activities. I keep mine on for normal day-to-day stuff, which includes going ti the bathroom and washing my hands. Workout, dishes, beach, gardening. Hard no.

Is that mold?! Wow how wild Honestly, with brush bristles, I would not chance it. I don’t think you can fully get rid of mold spores. And that’s A LOT. Trying to salvage it might give you some grief down the line— like more things getting moldy or your skin or eyes getting infected. I wouldn’t keep the brushes or case no matter how expensive they might be.

Looks like webbing of some kind. Probably a bug(?) somewhere in there?

I feel like a comment like that is never a bad thing with animals. Maybe for a human who is over a certain age, sure.