While I love the scene, I personally don’t like this aspect of the finale. Don going to California to a “love yourself” hippy circle feels like somewhat of a cop out but also I feel the point isn’t to actually resolve dons internal flaws but give him perspective and reassurance as he enters this next chapter of his life at his new job

For all the “Christians” of this subreddit, many pro life pregnancy centers have been burned during Bidens tenure (with no arrests) and there have been Christians who pray outside abortion clinics and get arrested. All there is anymore is demagoguery about spooky “Christian nationalism.” Also Biden’s FBI was targeting “extremist” Catholic organizations

On WAW der riese if you cycle a bouncing Betty while pack a punching and buying a KAR98k opposite pack a punch you get a third weapon slot despite no mule kick

In eu4 nobody plays into the age of absolutism because of power creep, put it 100 years backward and it’s 1550ish

Currently playing a Bahamanis colonial game, moved to Australia, and as Australia colonized the rest of the Moluccas and Malaya

Nobody told you to spoon feed information buddy, you just weren’t able to come up with any and resorted to “google lmao.” I appreciate your commitment to saying a lot without actually addressing the question.

Thanks for the insightful response. I’ll file this under ‘things that don’t answer my question’

How can you justify abortion as a Christian? All sects of Christianity speak of it as evil, and as murder of innocent life

Waiting for anyone ever on this subreddit to criticize Biden over FORCING Christians to subsidize abortions we find morally evil.

No, commercialization did. The constant need to pump out a product, regardless if it’s good, is what killed it. I believe the devs are passionate and capable, but the studio just wants to squeeze another $1.10 for every dollar.

Mod in workshop doesn’t use my code Mod Help

I finished a mod I’ve been working on for a couple of weeks or so, and I uploaded it and went to load the version I downloaded from the workshop and nothing I changed appeared, just regular vanilla eu4. I figure it’s some sort of directory problem, but I can’t quite get it figured out and need help. The file size is the same for both my original and the one i uploaded, and when I go to the origin point for the workshop version everything is there.

I more so had in mind just every institution spawning in one province in Europe, and only growing from where it spawns.

Is it possible to force institutions to only spawn and start in Europe? Mod Help

Tired of the striped provinces where and institutions doesn’t spawn but can grow outside of Europe, making them basically the same in tech forever. Thoughts on how to achieve this?

While it’s true EU5 is coming, it’s at least two years away. We still won’t know if EU5 fixes any of this or creates completely different/worse problems (like Victoria 3). Nevertheless, there is a decent argument that making a refined final version of eu4 (like HPM for Victoria 2) is a worthwhile project for posterity.

“Fixing” EU4Discussion

I am a longtime fan of eu4, and am really unhappy with its current game state. The biggest problem since Golden Century released has been power creep. Armies get way too massive way too quickly, and institutions spread so fast to Asia that by early-mid game they’re already peers in tech. There are other problems (Native NATO, dev spread, etc) but I’m considering learning to mod EU4 to balance the game as I and I’m sure many other players would prefer without having to download MEIOU. The early game is really easy, and late game too tedious. I’m wondering if there is appetite in the community for something like this, and I also am asking for tips/tutorials for modding eu4. Thank you


Everywhere I go it’s 70+ dollars. Do you know of any other s?

Geopolitics of 19th century Non-fiction

Finished a book about the Napoleonic Wars and want to continue into the next era of history. Are there any books that cover the geopolitics starting from the during or after the Congress of Vienna to World War One (1815-1914)?

Pump inf equipment, shovels, and support AA. Everything else is unnecessary for defense in divisions. Focus on fighters as well (max out top slots with heavy mg’s). When you’ve stabilized the front (most likely in a line from the Vistula to the Carpathian Mountains) then start to allocate material to Arti, tanks, CAS, etc.

I constantly replay COD WaW and COD 4 campaigns. Other than those, eu4/hoi4.