Late Diagnosis Club

So far, it’s really hard but really wonderful too.

I don’t think my kiddos are ND so far, but also….my judgment on what seems “normal” may be off. 😅 lol So far, hitting all milestones with flying colors and their Pediatrician doesn’t see anything different. She knows I’m autistic and is keeping an eye out for me.

Late Diagnosis Club

Math killed me. I was exceedingly good in English, and great with anything animal and science based, but I SUCKED with math. I tried for a while, but once algebra showed up, I was done trying.

Oh, and I was homeschooled, so I simply snuck the workbooks when my mom wasn’t paying attention and copied most of the answers so I could “pass” well enough to keep her off my back. I just barely made passing grades in the state mandated tests(regularly making 90’s in everything else, but 40’s in math), and never looked back once I graduated. 😅💀

I didn’t actually learn how to find the average of numbers until recently, and I still can’t do long division. I just hope I never need it. Numbers justmean nothing to me. I have to picture solid objects(eg: rows of cookies) in order to add and subtract. I don’t think I’m stupid, I know I can learn it if I try, but it takes so much exhausting effort to do that it doesn’t feel worth it.

a deceiver and not a real Christian™ ✌️😌

Listen…I love chickens. Like adore them. I used to have a special pet rooster that I raised from birth and pampered, and he would cuddle in my lap when I went outside to visit him.

keyword being OUTSIDE. keep them icky fellas outside!! 🤣 I don’t trust that these kids are washing their hands after holding them, and I sure as hell don’t believe that lazy Karissa is washing the sofa EVER.

I’m autistic, ace, and consider myself queer(bi-romantic/bi-attracted?) and I sat for a solid few minutes just trying to figure out what they were trying to say with this comment.

Are they saying that someone can only be ace if that person completely dislikes/is repulsed by sex?

That’s just incorrect. I don’t even know how to explain it other than calling asexuality a spectrum lol. Some asexuals find sex repulsive and would never do it, others find it tolerable/enjoyable when connecting with the right person, but would rather not do it overall. But I think you’re right that queer is an identity? If you recognize that you’re something besides straight, then you are lgbt+ and thus can identify as queer, I believe?

Sorry if I genuinely am vastly misunderstanding the situation.

a deceiver and not a real Christian™ ✌️😌

I mean…..it is basically a non-profit endeavor for the sales reps 💀💀💀 for the company, not so much lol

Late Diagnosis Club

nooo 😭😭 for reference, when you lay down, they hang to the sides, not on top, and the sensation is very weird and uncomfortable. I WISH they stayed in place better lol plus BACK PAIN.

A weighted vest might work for you!

Late Diagnosis Club

yes absolutely!! Sometimes I just start thinking about dinosaurs(yes…SUCH an original special interest🤣) and I feel so excited can’t suppress it, and I giggle and jump and flap. It’s a happy feeling, and if no one/safe person is around I let myself stim and feel so happy.

A not safe person brought up my other special interest to me yesterday and ASKED me about it!!!!!! and I had to suppress it so hard I felt the joy bubbling up so much and like I could throw up I was so thrilled, but they aren’t a safe person to be “weird” with, so I had to mask and just pretend I wasn’t about to scream and blast off into monologue and I just said something boring af instead, and it was painful. 😭💀

a deceiver and not a real Christian™ ✌️😌

I hope they grow up, leave religion, become super progressive and actually adore their names tbh.

mostly because the alternative: growing up with a feeling of bruised masculinity and developing violent tempers to compensate because fragile fundie men tease them about it is much more sad imo

a deceiver and not a real Christian™ ✌️😌

One reason to choose unmediated, is to be able to birth in any position you feel best. I chose to avoid the epidural for this reason, and gave birth in an upright position with gravity helping, and the pain was so much less than my previous epidural birth lying down. Given that experience, I would never choose medicated birth again unless they come up with something in the West that allows women to birth upright.

An epidural essentially forces you to birth lying down unless someone is willing to hold you upright (unlikely the doctor will allow it, as it’s just not a risk worth taking that would could fall and injure yourself and baby.)

Orange Artist 🍊

thank you, hope you don’t get downvoted. I’m so over the “acoustic” bs

Late Diagnosis Club

If this was my brother, the only food he’d be getting would be a raw knuckle sandwich. Don’t ever buy him food again.

if they were actually self conscious about it, they wouldn’t be sending pics of it. F him.

Late Diagnosis Club

I didn’t have too, she immediately co-opted my diagnosis 🤣💀 (ETA: sorry this turned into a vent!)

My mom has a lot of narcissistic traits(doesn’t mean she is a narcissist, I know) so when I told her my diagnosis, I had to word it in a way that made it her idea, or else she would’ve invalidated me. (Context is, she called me autistic once, long before I sought diagnoses….she also became anti-vaxx and avoided doctors for me from age 8 on because she thought my autistic traits were a vaccine reaction…but that’s another story.)


(by “them” she’s referring to my two diagnoses of GAD and ASD)

Of course, the first thing she asked is what I’m getting from it, it’s always disabled special privileges she’s after. 😭 Fucking nothing, is the answer lmao. Then she FaceTimed me and basically asked how to get a diagnoses and how to fit the criteria, and of course, really wanted to know what I “get” for having a diagnosis. This is the same woman who mocked me for sound sensitivities, mocked my (probably also autistic brother, who didn’t speak until age 5) for being “slow” but never did anything to find out more about it because “labels are excuses, learn to get over your issues.”

To be completely fair to her, she very likely could be autistic, she fits a lot of the criteria(ESPECIALLY the rigid thinking, extreme rules, and sensory issues, but she’s also an extremely judgmental person who pushes boundaries, tries to be the center of attention always, and thinks she’s literally never wrong, and idk if that’s autism or just assholery). I really don’t want to have any hand in her journey. If she is, I want her to find out genuinely, and not just because she thinks she’ll get a metaphorical cookie for having it. Either way, I do hope she goes for an evaluation, because if not autism, she probably has something…? It’s good to find out anyway.

ANYWAYYY, all that to say, I definitely got it from my dad. 🤣

Late Diagnosis Club

I’ve never seen it happen. I’ve only seen mimicking traits to make fun of autism(eg. arm flapping to make others laugh, saying something like “lol i’m so autistic” because they remember one cool fact about something), but it’s never to convince that they actually are.

Bible college isn't for whimps

Betsy is also only a Senior Gold lmao, and constantly falling back to Silver and Gold and scrambling back up. Plus, she openly admits to making zero profit.

Bible college isn't for whimps

Dude she’s been “almost there” for the past…what? Six years?? 💀💀💀

it’s a system set up to fail these “brand partners.” You have to re earn your rank literally every month. Every month, the sales set to zero.

a deceiver and not a real Christian™ ✌️😌

it’s incredibly frustrating that one lazy decision like that can change/ruin someone’s life.

a deceiver and not a real Christian™ ✌️😌

This happened to my sister. She did not free birth, got ultrasounds and all, but the hospital didn’t complete the heartscan. Baby wiggled too much and they said “well it’s good enough”

spoiler: it wasn’t good enough, he had a life threatening heart defect that possibly could have been corrected in utero. He passed away at 4 months old, but he would have been 1 this month.

Late Diagnosis Club

1 and done 😂 I identify strongly as ace, so if anything happens to my husband, it’s probably staying at one or mayyyybe a tenative 2 if I ever can feel close to someone like that again lol

a deceiver and not a real Christian™ ✌️😌

My 2yr old’s favorite line lately is “no thank you mama” and I find it hilarious that he’s going through his “NO” phase so politely. 😂

It’s developmentally normal for a kid this young to say no to everything. Even things they want or agree with. They’re exercising their freedom of opinion! Oh wait…these morons probably don’t want their kids to have a different opinion from them, ever.

a deceiver and not a real Christian™ ✌️😌

I’m not like a pro writer, just a lover of grammar and writing for fun, and I felt physical pain trying to read it. 💀 I could cry.

Bible college isn't for whimps

What profit? 💀 I doubt she’s doing more than breaking even. She sees the money come in and probably ignores the fact that she spent the same if not more on her own minimum monthly required purchase.

Late Diagnosis Club

I used to work in food production. It was great. I got to wear earplugs all day—actually, HAD to. 😂 The equipment was easy to learn, the paperwork was tedious, but straight forward.