... OK, I need an OOTL explanation for the answer to this post. :(

So... a sweet Caribbean Mule?

Good ol' straight whisk(e)y... always a safe bet when the bar's cocktail program is subpar. Well, almost always.

I've taught more than one bartender how to make a Paper Plane. No one ever seemed to take issue with it.

... really? It's a sour. Sours are fairly straightforward. I get that some people are ingredient snobs... but that's not really about "making" the drink.

Basically Dorothy Zbornak

It sounds related to the Fundamental Attribution Error, and is surely a similar cognitive process, just framed as in-group vs out-group (good ol' Us vs Them) rather than individual vs everyone else.


Basically Dorothy Zbornak

Yup. The #notallmen crew never seems to have a good answer to how the Bad Men are able to be distinguished from the rest. I mean, aside from the black cape, black hat, long twirly mustache, and propensity to tie damsels to railroad tracks.

Lake Elizabeth? Hope you like goose shit.

"Back in the day", you could fish off the old Dumbarton pier.

Oh, Kramer is definitely gonna do it. The generator bit, not the drugs bit.


arrogance is a weakness

It ought to be far more than it actually is, because many/all of our societies are set up so that "confidence" is considered so valuable that even overconfidence can result in positive outcomes. By the time the arrogant/overconfident person is found out (if they ever are), they've had so much time with a leg up on everyone else that, even if they tumble from their perch, they're liable to land higher up than they started... well above their peers who weren't selected/promoted/etc because they lacked "gumption". :/

A+ analysis.

It behooves people for whom this is "news" to reflect on how "the average person's" opinion of any given movement is tied to 'loudness' (in a cultural sense). Then reflect on which voices are loudest due to amplification, and why those voices are amplified and who they're amplified by.

"Even black pepper?"

*checks notes*

Yup. Lots of black pepper makes black pepper better.

Basically Dorothy Zbornak


Ding, ding, ding!

Click/Ragebait is real. :/

The fact that so many people never seem to clock this on social media is ... disturbing.

Basically Dorothy Zbornak

several texts claiming that HE was so hurt and heartbroken because he didn’t want to lose me and he wished he could take it back.


while we were initially having sex he told me he loved me


he told me that in his culture if a man comes into contact with a woman’s period blood he is “soul tied to her.”

You dodged more bullets than Neo in The Matrix. You're well rid of this guy.

If you genuinely think this kind of vitriolic outburst is normal or appropriate (I do agree it's distressingly common) then you have a very sad view of acceptable interpersonal behavior.

That you continue to characterize the above as "snapped at" and an "angry misstep" is very troubling. I know quite well what moody/snarky/frustrated snapping looks like. This ain't it.

I'm Ok

It's not that they snapped, it's how they snapped. That coupled with the seeming lack of awareness ... I'm not sure how you imagine this is likely to be a healthy relationship.

Basically Dorothy Zbornak

I mean, they rhyme "rendezvous" with "you know who" ... that's unforgivable right there. ;)

Basically Dorothy Zbornak

Right? Plenty of people have had mastectomies that didn't retain the nipples. And, I suppose, there's also a few people who'd just had some sort of traumatic accident. Heck, there's even (if you believe Jeff Foxworthy) one guy who got a nipple bitten off by a beaver.

Basically Dorothy Zbornak

can you imagine a woman walking into a store topless with no bra on??

Get a set of pasties with a picture of a man's nipples on them, then if anyone says anything, you can respond, "oh, no, it's OK, they're male nipples". Watch their head explode.

Basically Dorothy Zbornak

Dear lord though, if it was all one guy... what a winner! ;)

Basically Dorothy Zbornak

I'll just throw this out there:

Far too many people spend far too many mental cycles worrying about "normal" and "average". Heck, even "average" is liable to be misleading with a data set that's not necessarily a normal distribution.

Unless you're actively seeking a higher sex drive or are concerned that it's a symptom of some other underlying issue... just be you. :)