My son . Looking at him I see myself as a child and want to give him the life I never had . I never want to turn into that mother so often displayed In movies who neglects her kids due to her own depression and demons . Getting up and showing up for him everyday in turns helps to heal my Inner child although it is not always easy .

I had lived in nyc my whole life moved to New England for 5 years than back to nyc . Best advice is Stay in New England ! A few years into being back here and I think of going back to New England everyday. The community , food and small businesses just are not the same . Good luck .

Honestly sounds like a predator in the making . I would not trust him . If he is on those forums he is surrounding himself with abusers and pedos . He needs to seek help immediately and break the cycle .

In my experience anyone who is this controlling has a guilty conscience themselves. Run đŸƒâ€â™€ïž

Tbh I was scared someone I knew would see that post and know it was me so I changed a few details with age and being married . It was my first time posting something like that on Reddit .

Update :

This ending up turning into a huge fight . I came home from work and brought it up with a few extra points that were mentioned in comments. He still was not open to uninviting his cousin . I turned it up by saying if he is not willing to remove this person that I do not feel like he respects me and not sure about moving forward with our marriage. He went to call his sister for advice instead of talking with me . I got pissed , told him it shouldn’t be this hard of a choice and left the house . This made him realize I was actually serious , he sent me a text message apologizing and finally kicked his cousin out . I still have not gone home to talk with him as I am still processing the whole situation and trying to calm my mind before talking .

I can understand this . But with your bridesmaid point , this is a party for ME. If that is not what I am looking for and this party is about me why am I going to remove myself . That’s like throwing a house party in your home and leaving because the guests are recking your home . Wouldn’t it just be easier to have someone who respects your wishes and be there for you . It’s also the fact of paying people to be with you . I have no issue with them trying to go out and talk to actual people , but hiring escorts is a bit much .

Wanting to call off my wedding because my fiancé wants to let others control his bachelor party ?

Long story short my fiancĂ© and I are getting married in two months . We are coming down to the final details are planning our bachelor and bachelorette party. Both are weekend trips away from home . Since the beginning of planning everything, his groomsmen made it well aware that they are using his party as an excuse to find women to sleep with which is a given. This Escalated from innocent banter to every time one of the grooms men calls my fiancĂ© they ask him if he’s planning to fuck at his bachelor party . one of them which is his cousin calls to get a reaction out of him by saying the girls are going to have more fun than us and are definitely going to come to find guys . Now the same manchild took it upon himself to hire six escorts to be with the party for The entire day that they are attending a pool party . Not only did he try to hire them but he was sending pictures of my fiancĂ© and me to these women, in which they were bashing me saying they could find better for my fiancĂ© and not for nothing but I am a very attractive women . My fiance got upset at this and told his cousin this is not what he wants and is pushing boundaries. His groomsmen didn’t see an issue with this besides the text messaging and couldn’t understand why he would tell me . I expressed to my fiancĂ© that this makes me feel extremely uncomfortable and put a damper on my trust for the whole situation, and I would feel best if that one groomsmen was uninvited since he has not had our best interest in mind, since we have gotten engaged, this guy has also make comments that our marriage will not last and just all around malicious comments about my fiancĂ© . I told him if he is not willing to uninvite this person and remove them from out bridal party that I would not want him attending . He didn’t care and told me it is his party not mine and he can not control what a bunch of single men do he can only remove himself from that situation. He than became upset with me bcs out of anger I reminded him I am going on my bachelorette party and can make stupid choices to . It’s gotten to a point where I feel that he is not seeing my side and understanding my anxiousness behind all of this and picking the feeling of his friends over mine . I am at the point where I feel so disrespected by the comments from him and all his groomsmen that I was willing to call it all off . Him ,his family and all his groomsmen are telling me I am being too emotional, over reacting and that’s just what guys do. AITAH?

Update :

This ending up turning into a huge fight . I came home from work and brought it up with a few extra points that were mentioned in comments. He still was not open to uninviting his cousin . I turned it up by saying if he is not willing to remove this person that I do not feel like he respects me and not sure about moving forward with our marriage. He went to call his sister for advice instead of talking with me . I got pissed , told him it shouldn’t be this hard of a choice and left the house . This made him realize I was actually serious , he sent me a text message apologizing and finally kicked his cousin out . I still have not gone home to talk with him as I am still processing the whole situation and trying to calm my mind before talking .

Been disassociating with the sims since the early 2000s , recently started playing Fortnite

I have a 5 year old son and we do a bath every other day . On average 4-5 x a week .

In order for this to work you must communicate and find a common ground . Possibly discuss the idea of attending a swinging club together with no intentions other than checking out the lifestyle options . Let him know you feel like you are loosing a piece of your identity because of this . If he is not willing to compromise I would leave before you end up falling into temptation elsewhere .

Don’t worry too much about this . My now fiancĂ© was the same way as you . Had crazy performance anxiety and probably took us at least 4/5 times going at it to have a successful round . That was 3 years ago . We currently have great , healthy and fulfilling sex on the regular. It gets better , you just need to make sure you communicate with each other properly and have patience.

Once again it is an opinion. We all have different ideas and boundaries when it comes to what we personally consider cheating. How would you feel if the woman you were with was masturbating to a solo man jerking off and telling her how to play with herself? It’s a boundary I personally feel like is being pushed .

This is exactly it ! I am struggling with the trust aspect after all of this and it is especially hard given that I already have a lot of trauma when it comes to learning how to trust people . Once that loyalty it broken it is extremely hard for meto look at that person in the same light again. This will be the hardest part to overcome about it .

I never thought about doing so because as I said I don’t have have an actual problem with him masturbating it is more of what he is choosing to masturbate to . But maybe by asking him I can find out why he continues to do so . I’ll try it .

They should be we have a pretty healthy and active sex life

I mean that’s your opinion. To me having another women telling you how & when to stroke your dick is pretty dam close to it đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž

But the thing in is he didn’t just agree . He told me he would stop that is the problem. Had he been transparent and said he doesn’t see it as an issue and was going to continue it wouldn’t bother me as much . It is the fact that he told me to my face that he will stop but he continues to hide it .

Yes supposedly that’s why he doesn’t watch standard porn and only watches that type but that seems like a very Immature excuse to me . Let’s be honest the men and women in porn are setting unrealistic expectations and standards for both genders , this is known .

I 29f feel insecure about the porn my 33m husband watches . nsfw

I am usually a very sexually open person . I have no issues with my partner enjoying porn or erotic arts but the type he chooses to watch makes me very insecure with myself . He tends to only watch videos with girls giving JOI instructions or solo masturbations , I feel like this is one step below paying an actual cam girl to preform for you . The direct talking and often “girlfriend” like situations make me uncomfortable and feels almost like a form of cheating . I know if he discovered I was watching this type of material of a man he would also be upset and feel insecure . Well the main issue arises after I bring up this insecurity to him . I have asked him multiple times to stop watching that specific genre of porn but he continues regardless after hearing me out and telling me he won’t . I do not want to let him know I saw that he is still watching it because he will feel like I invaded his privacy by looking , but I only looked because I knew he was continuing to watch it and was hiding it from me after telling him how much it hurt me . I do not know what else to do . I would say I am willing to please my partner and fulfill any fantasy he wishes so I don’t understand why he feels the need to still check out these videos . How do I get him to stop and truly understand my point of view without coming off as possessive or controlling?

TL;DR I told my husband that the genre of porn that he watches, makes me feel insecure, and that I think it is borderline cheating. During our discussions, he agreed with me and told me he understood, and that he would no longer watch it . Despite this, I saw it in his search bar that he is still watching that genrne. What to do?


In general, I tend to look on the brighter side of things, as it is some thing that is always kept me going through my hardest of times. But there are times, when I am under a lot of stress where slightest thing becomes such an over whelming roadblock for me. When these things happen, I become so irritated with those closest to me. I cannot seem to get a range on my emotions and tend to lash out at them for anything and everything. I do not want to continue this cycle as I feel I am hurting the people I love most because I am hurting. I have done therapy and I have spoken about it, but when I get in that moment, the rage is so ever consuming I lose myself. I’m noticing this as a pattern throughout my life, and believe it may be one of the reasons why I haven’t been able to maintain many long-term friendships and relationships. as I said previously I am a very easy-going get along with most people type of person but when I get these bits of madness, I am not myself. I guess this post is a bit of venting and a bit of asking for help. What are some things that you all due to control your anger and bring yourself back to reality in those moments. Does anyone know why this might happen and if I will ever be able to control it?
