Agents will always push their player for the biggest contract and to test free agency. Agents get paid more the bigger the contract plus the players union is like any other union. They want the players to always get the most they can.

He’s also a 5 on 5 performer. Doesn’t need to be on a PP to get his points. Hopefully he bounces back for the Caps

Yep, take bad contracts for more picks and with the moonshot that they do better here. Why the fuck not

I’m literally getting it framed and gifting for his birthday

Tkachuks comments were awesome, “For my fans in Calgary, I couldn’t let Edmonton win the cup!”

Love it

Well, I’m a flames fan and obviously cannot cheer for my rival. But I have to say, Edmonton has done something special. And they are playing with passion. It’s been fun to watch. I do think they are gonna pull this thing off. I can only hope we can get our shit together to be able to be competitive with you guys in the next few years. Best of luck!

McDavid falls down and Oilers fans want a penalty. They are the most entitled fans in the NHL

Panthers can take this. That bullshit challenge will come back to bite Edmonton in the dick.

As much as I have a birth right to hate the Oilers, they are a true hockey city. There will Be upset folks but they will respect the tradition and cheer not only the cup winners but their own team for making it to the finals.

Man these commentators are such homers. I tried watching the ABC feed but the video is shitty so I’m stuck with the fucks with the oilers balls deeply inserted into their throats.

Best thing is, this isn’t even close to the Panthers best effort or most complete game. Excited for this series

McDavid complained last series about the reffing and everything seemed to shift after that

Man Drai dives more than anyone, should be embellished

Why is it that the Oilers can hold up every rushing Stars player when they are chasing down the puck without an interference call.

While I have to admit they have a good team I will never and can never cheer for them. And I expect the same from an Oilers fan when it comes to Calgary. That is what makes the rivalries so great.

Oilers Suck!!

I stayed at a hotel in Hefei China for work a few years back. I was walking through the grounds and found this area that had conference rooms. They had a sign up for the Royal Tyrell Museum.
