This really does all boil down to men abandoning their standards to grovel and desperately accept just anything they can get. This applies to everything in life, actually.

Give men backbones and every problem, and I mean every single problem disappears in a matter of hours.

So glad to see the pendulum finally swing this way. It's great that people are getting that fed up. People are tired of being pushed around. Join. That. Fucking. Union.

There has to be talent there to be able to truly connect with and sway the masses. One must have the ability to leave reality at the door and tell the people what they want to hear, then actually do the opposite once in office. By then, there's nothing anyone can do and 90% of the people forgot all about it anyway.

Exactly. The intelligent ones may be seen as slow because they had to actually think about an answer rather than instantly parrot the programmed response.

But this wise man doesn't place money as his highest priority! He won't sacrifice everything to make the rich people richer! Error error error!

Nature has the answer. I would look into finding out what local birds snack on mosquitos and optimize conditions for their nesting, maybe build a birdhouse or plant specific trees they prefer.

It's understandable when one has to choose between doing nothing to have nothing, or working to have nothing.

The correct answer. They need men to be confused and desperate so they'll wildly throw money at and expend energy on women to find out for himself what works and what doesn't. They don't want the men with the lower-tier looks to even think about looks. The end game is women getting more attention and free stuff.

My TV says the economy is better than ever! πŸ˜‰ It says real estate is a great investment! Young people are just lazy and don't want to work anymore! You brought up the issues so it must be a you problem!

It all boils down to making the rich people richer. All that touchy feely stuff is bad for business. Kindness is weakness. People need to assume the superficial appearance of "health" in order to be considered human. The real thing they're imitating doesn't exist anymore but they can't know that. They're secretly thinking the same thing and thinks nobody else is thinking it.

Should they adjust the height or screw it up? Why not both

They'll gripe about minimum wage being too high, then turn around and sell a home for half a million they bought for 40k and can't make the connection between these two things. Or maybe they don't want to. Anything to maintain a positive emotional state!

Try to attract whatever creature snacks on those buggers. Some plants will repel them. Google is saying some spiders and ground beetles can eat them. Birds too.

These types always pop up like mushrooms in the ease of civilization. They'll learn soon, trust me!

They love "might makes right" because it provides them with a more direct path to justify what they were always going to do anyway... Or at least they thought they loved "might makes right" until they're not the "strong" ones anymore. That's how the cookie crumbles. All someone had to do was tell them there's no God, and let me tell you they've never looked back. It doesn't matter if the facts are sound or not, they don't care about that!!

They want to be like the "elites". The same elites that are going to learn the hard way that money doesn't mean anything if you can't get a meal at a restaurant or if the deed to "your" land is ash, backed by no one and nothing. They think by doing as the "elites" do, they're somehow on the "right team" by doing what they were going to do regardless, which always always always boils down to one thing: hurting people. But again, they'll find out they're not the strong ones at all. πŸ˜ƒ

It seems like all of the "inflation"-related price gouging is simply a collective contraction of the economy in advance of a large decrease in population. It was either that or equities take a hit when a sizable percentage of the overall customer base disappears. I had thought that it was going to be about vaccine casualties but a major world conflict makes more sense. The rapid rise in costs may be jarring to us but in reality is less so than the alternatives. Just my own theory anyway. I hope I'm wrong.

That's Otho standing on it... trust me it's solid!

All I do is put the plant in the hole and mulch once per year. The plants themselves do all the real work. 🌿

We've got to parachute out some pigitarian aid, we've got to fatten those pigs up!