What's 130? Red flower and white flower?

Why not the yellow one?

Bigger bait and switch than those fake game ads.

Go and follow him to Dallas, if you don't understand that the FO was trying their best to get a 2nd option and make the team as strong as possible. And that meant Klay needed to wait a bit until they figured out the amount needed for PG, etc.

It's not the 40M itself. It's all the repeater tax implications. If you don't understand that, then GTFOH.

Because signing Klay at that point foot 20 meant they couldn't fully pursue PG. Which going after PG is the right thing to do to maximize Curry.

Not disappointing at all. Would be more disappointing if the FO mailed it in and ran it back with a declining Klay and not trying at anything more.

Because of how crazy the multiplier on repeat tax is. Do you even know what you're talking about?

Imagine you go to buy a $20 burger and the bill is $100.

Or you are trying to buy a $30k car and they tell you it costs $150k.

Are you willing to pay $150k to drive a Toyota Corolla to Chase center and pay $100 for a hamburger to watch a play-in team that didn't even make the playoffs?

That's why it's on the other owners, when they changed the CBA for luxury tax.

Then Curry would just reverse and backcut and Klay will be completely lost and out of the picture.

Klay has always been weak off ball.

It's about doing the right thing. Podz especially and somewhat TJD just follow the scheme better. Kuminga is talented but often messes up the set.

30 teams, 5 starters each = 150. He's not starter worthy.


Not sure if complexity or I care less so know less about heroes' skills. But nowadays for the hardest content I can copy Sinzar and that's about it.

So should I level schuyler before DVA? I was reading some other places saying DVA does more damage, so now I'm not sure which to level up first.

Right now Kim is my main damage, but planning to get to 4 heli, 1 tank next (keeping Kim). So trying to see who to max out now as 2nd after Kim.

Not when you're not that good when available.

At this point, Paul George at 25% likelihood of being healthy entire playoffs is a better chance at a title than Klay 100% healthy. (0% title)

What sort of stuff is in the Santa ride? Trying to figure out if it's worth getting.

What about in late game pvp? I thought helis beat tanks in large part because of DVA

I guess it's the combination of DVA and Schuyler.

Stetman is about to come out on my server in a few days. I already have Kim at 5 stars and trying to figure out who to go for next.

I have both DVA and Schuyler and was thinking of getting DVA to 5 stars as I hear long term the helicopter team is good. And in short term would run DVA with Kim.

Why did you wish you saved for Stetman? Is he stronger than DVA?

The 40 is number you can have max in storage. There's a separate number that is how many you can have on screen at one time. Click the upper left area. It also tells you how many refresh every 6 hours.

Slightly related question. Wanting to start my 2nd starred/mythic equipment (first is rail gun). Should I get the data part so I have a full set of "best" for my main dps or do a 2nd rail gun?

Asking as right now Kim does 90% of my damage so it would seem that maxing her more is better than putting better weapon on 2nd damage dealer who is somewhat just a meat shield stalling so Kim can do own thing.

Was thinking that until super late game, every squad as 1 primary damage dealer carrying the load, and 1 rail and 1 data makes it easy to swap teams.