for a psychiatrist, he's sure projecting shit onto you. love the lack of self awareness!!!

The most mind-blowing thing I learned when I was in college for Nutrition was learning the widespread belief that salt causes high blood pressure isn't backed by studies, at least as much as you'd think. There's a correlation but causation is not proven, as far as I know. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please. I was always curious about really understanding this

Best time to camp in the UP? My partner has never seen the Michigan's west coast or the UP and we're planning a camping trip soon!

It's so brutal mentally preparing for reapplying and possibly starting med school!! Make sure you're taking care of yourself, doing things that make you feel good.

Same here. This wait is taking years of my life

CTE/PTE deadline
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Thank you!! It's hard to find some that will thrive in sandy soil, which has been a problem for finding flowers near the lake. I wish I could plant lavender all over haha

Michigan planting

Any Michigan gardeners have any flowers they recommend for landscaping? Something that's hardy is preferred

CTE/PTE extensions?
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How do you know if a school has pushed their CTE deadline? Have schools generally extended them by a month?

It's so hard but you're in a strong position!! Keep the faith

Have you considered working with a therapist? I had a similar experience in undergrad and felt like most, if not all, self-worth was based on MCAT, GPA, med school acceptances, etc. I know how lonely and gruelling the process is, but I promise you have such great things to offer the world outside of medicine as well. :)

If you want to be a doctor, you will make it happen but don't forget to live and enjoy your life during the process. Sending love!!

been on it since October!! Seems like movement will happen in a few weeks but who knows. Sending calming vibes to everyone else waiting for a spot.