Yea, my 1st thought was that people have been doing this strat for nearly 10yrs. Not really much to theorycraft.

Can't wait for this whole discussion to pop up again though when the next one releases, just like it has for every past game prior to some degree.


After world bloat, everything you said is objectively a lie.


There are good ones but they are pretty late game so the complaint is definitely valid


It's primarily a souls-vania and the movement in these is usually not going to be as tight as the ones focused more towards platforming.

Also BB arcane builds were dope, people just didnt know the softcap was 70, and it was honestly worth taking to 99 if you had the levels.

It's definitely worse in the dlc, and the actual story dungeons are extremely well done as usual, but as someone who likes to explore every nook, I commonly felt like I was wasting my time out in the open world.

Everything really feels like it has a purpose in its placement in the older games (even if it's to troll you), and you can't really do this in open world.

Riding torrent has become something I kinda dread now unfortunately, cause even though the world is fuckin breathtaking, it just takes me out of the "souls immersion" immediately. I feel invincible, I know I can ride away from just about anything, the danger is gone. Hopefully this makes sense


Fair, I honestly don't remember specifics of the games routes/progress, just that the combat could easily be done drunk lmao

The fact that it's loaded with filler, repeated spaces/bosses, and tons of vast empty spaces. I get that people enjoy riding around an open world, but it just does not work here for me.

A comment below mentions linear vs. non-linear, but this is completely irrelevant when talking about open world. Look at every good metroidvania for examples. You can have exploration choices without riding through empty plains for 2mins or exploring a cave to find a mushroom and a boss you've killed 6 times already.

No one actually thinks about it when they recommend "underwater" either. I'm not sure what the vision is but all I think about is slow movement and being on a timer, because that's how it is in 95% of games unless the entire thing takes place in water, in which point your biome selection plummets.

Delayed attacks aren't stupid because they're hard, they're stupid because watching something hold it's arm up to swing for 3sec and then slash down at the speed of light just looks retarded.

Idk why they need to charge up, just... swing? It's not like they are "powering" the attack is just weird looking bait that doesn't feel good to participate in.


Haiku is very chill/easy but its also extremely bland to look at imo.

If you somehow still haven't played this or forgot to mention it, Bloodstained : RoTN feels like it fits your criteria, I remember it being pretty simple.


It was cock and ball torture but I'm also a glutton for punishment so I loved it. AN is my favorite MV.

One other area that had me truly impressed by the cbt is in Deaths Gambit: Afterlife. A secret area has a platforming section, except all the platforms are completely invisible... and the background constantly moves. 

As I went through that area I was honestly just saying "bravo devs" as I fell to the ground for the 50th time. (This game absolutely fucks and this is truly, truly optional)

Honestly, I don't even think it's that low effort, especially to get started, but I'm bored to tears within 30sec and cannot fathom how anyone enjoys it even in the background.

I quickly started ignoring the whole system just like I did in its various iterations in past games. Only time I'd use them was if it was necessary for npc spawns/quests/items


I honestly love it, but there is some grind involved if you want everything. You gain permanent abilities (some are movement) by maxing out weapons and armor you find/craft etc.

It's going to feel incredibly slow in the beginning but by the end you are triple jumping and dashing through the screen. There is a lot of content here and it does not hold your hand through it at all. The DLC is also a mini roguelike dungeon, and as someone who does not like roguelikes much, I completely 100% it.

Story is also surprisingly interesting when it kicks in and it does not slow down


A lot on your list aren't MVs, and basically all my fav MVs are in your no-go list... so ill give you a good 2d action game that you could very roughly call an MV if you wanted

Astlibra Gaiden

Would you like videos of both shadows and rom where I'm bl4 and maybe half of the hits I take have potential to 2 shot?

I also have a Defiled Amy, but I may have gone to lvl20-30? or something, because I was that guy with a twink in Nightmare Frontier full of bis gems (I'm sorry I've changed, I promise)

You absolutely do not get 2 shot in BB, and idr them being bloated either. In fact, I've done a bl4 run, and even then most bosses still don't 2 shot.

Respect tbh. I hate the expected attire thing too, but I am shocked that you don't know that these things exist

I need to know what you wear to certain functions immediately

Ok, BUT what if the guy wearing gym clothes is going to the gym, specifically because he cares about his appearance/body, and the guy wearing the suit is wearing it solely because he wants to look like he cares.

This is why I have never liked an MMO story. The pacing is just so awful and full of filler to waste your time because that's the name of the game.

I even did ng+ to experience the whole story during EW, to actually give it a chance... maybe a 4/10. It's just impossible to be immersed in when you gotta collect 3 oranges for Timmy after you slay a god.

My brain refused to read the spear drag and I'd roll once then twice, trying to dodge it. Had like a 10% success rate with that shit but I got him anyway.

That was just a free estus window for me after lmao

Coming from the standpoint of playing with friends, you just all run offensive shit like this and spawn kill everything. You can use your guns, too. Being able to do this doesn't mean you ignore the 3 guns you're holding.

Glassway is like a 10-15min in and out, and it's easier than it's ever been before.

Reddit when they find out you can absolutely play like this in every gm for the past 2 expansions, and you don't need to hide in a rift in the left corner to clear glassway.


Skip Sacrifice imo. I loved Sanctuary when I was new to the genre and it's fallen off for me, so maybe that's why I didn't like Sacrifice at all.. but also many other people felt the same, so it can't only be me.