You never really leave highschool. The people who attend take that cliqueish mentality with them to college and work. It's a never ending cycle that perpetuates itself.

Yeah. I agree. It was the only thing he could say to save his ego.

Maybe he equates being stuffed that it hurts to being full

Sometimes, I can't get tired unless I'm up for 16 hours

We could disagree with opinions without losing friendships.

Meeting up at Taco Bell in high school on the weekends.

Downloading a 1mb .wav music file for 30m just to have someone call and drop your internet. Then you had to start over.

Dude, I was doing HTML on AOL profiles. It's what spurred my interest initially. Then I messed around with Geocities and Angelfire. Doing god awful websites with marquee's etc. It was all about using tables to format. Then I went back to HTML years later and it's massively changed.

Radio stations would catch out and do commercials right before the end of the song.

I remember thinking someone was rich when they had dual headphone jacks to share the music.

Roller Skate rinks around my area all went out of business. Kids/teenagers as a whole in general are more shut in. I like to joke that if they had a keyboard in front of them while out in public they'd be more prone to type/talk.