Neptune is a chad :3

Sounds good. The offwipe team is vanilla/2x. I'll send you discord in dms.

Neptune is a chad :3

That sucks.

I have an NA based team that is LGBT friendly if you'd like. We have about 3-6 members on offwipe team where I currently play, or if you'd like more copetitive/modded experience, main team is playing 15-20 deep on Atlas 5x.

Both teams require you to be 18+ or 16 but go through comms check during interview, and you also need to pass background check. No cheating history in the last year, no homophobia/racism etc...

If you want I can send you a discord in DMs :D I'd like another boykisser in the team.

Neptune is a chad :3

How many hours have you got on rust? O.o

Neptune is a chad :3

Rust has been my goto game since around 8 years old... It's soon to be 10th anniversary since I started playing... I need help.

But also Genshin impact, war thunder, and sometimes Minecraft as well as some other goof games.

Fuck the drop, what is that base man? You are in dire need for a builder!

As a gay dude number 2, that is indeed a gay as fuck village.

VSCode and terminal is all you need for Python. Unlike most languages, python is very friendly towards non IDE users, and VSCode has a brick ton of extentions that you can use.

My personal setup on my, also very slow, laptop is arch (XFCE for those wondering), VSCode + The python developer extention pack, Terminal (with ZSH).

The only reason I use arch is that I just like nerdy stuff though. Mint was a perfect choice here in my opinion.

If you really want an IDE, since she is a student she should be eligible for pycharm for free, though I personally don't like IDEs.

People are saying how ruined and horrible the game is. Truth is that it's about the same as the old CSGO, or call of duty. Yes, there are cheaters, and it does sucks when you encounter one, but there are ways to avoide them.

Play on servers that have active admins like Rusticated, Rustoria, Rust In Peace, and many more. Those servers give a shit about cheaters, and care about it's players.

I personally play even on facepunch servers. You know, those famous for being infested with cheaters. In a week of constant playing I encountered total of 5 cheaters, all of which got manually banned by FP thanks to my contacts. This was the first time in about 3 wipes on FP that I had been cheated on.

In conclusion, if there are active admins, you are all good to go, and you will have a great time. Otherwise it is a hit or miss.


Jakýkoliv request se počítá jako aktivita, takže pokud jdeš třeba na skettchy torrent stránku kde porno běžně není, stále může dělat request někam aby se ukázala reklama na porno stránku.

Alternativně virus, nebo podobný... Tldr: Zažádej si o výměnu PC/reinstalaci

Neptune is a chad :3

Legally when they turn 18.

Mentally when they realise what does it mean to be a man.

I personally started off with linux mint. Great distro. Stable, a lot of support, great for anything really, and cheap in terms of performance it needs.

I used it for about a year before I moved to arch (don't do that, don't use arch, bad idea), which has become my goto distro these days.

It's the nightbringer with Deathbringer chroma. My fav one by far.


I missclicked in the character select when chosing sexuality.

I have no idea why you're being downvoted. You're literally correct.

Helper [3]

I think a large factor here is gonna be stress. Take it slow when it comes to the thing. A lot of foreplay is good, and only when you feel ready you move on to actual sex.

As for the positions, and feeling good during this - It all comes down to communication. Talk to your boyfriend about what he likes. Any favourite positions, any kinks or simply things that he enjoys, and try em out if you feel comfortable with them.

As for the looks down there, people almost never care. Like it is very rare for someone to make a comment on something like that.

Neptune is a chad :3


It's not the last one I saved, but I can't really share that because there are younger folks here, so this is the first appropriate one.


Jop bohužel mám.

Bylo mi asi 16 cirka. Měli jsme tělocvik s klukama z naší třídy (9.A a 9.B) když na mě jeden z kluků z Ačka stáhnul. Řekl jsem mu ať přestane no, ale on nepřestal.

Jsem celkem špek takže si moje man boobs fakt užíval. Každopádně se situace vyřešila. Dostala to na starost jeho třídní. Opravdu hodně hodná, ale tradiční paní. Vzala si mě mimo během hodiny a promluvili jsme si o tom.

Pak jsme zavolali toho kluka a nastala řežba. Já se tam celou dobu snažil nesmát, ale byla slast ho vidět takhle bezmocnýho jako jsem byl já když se to stalo.

Každopádně si z toho nic nedělám. Mám to štěstí že mě to mentálně nezasáhlo skoro vůbec vlastně (teda alespoň doufám).

If you want organized, and adult team, I can recommend Team DiXX.

We play on competitive servers over the weekends, and we are there mainly for the fun. We also base a lot on non-toxic, and professional environment that is not commonly found in a rust team.

If this sounds like something you'd like, feel free to apply on our discord https://discord.gg/dixx


Nevím, ale pokud zjistíš, dej vědět. Mám stejnou situaci lol

Heizou. He looks adorable, and punches things. And he can punch very hard. My max is 130k.