Donut quests guideMeta & Donut

With the launch of Donut quests a guide has been compiled to assist users with the quests if they get stuck on any of them.

The quests DAPP can be found here:

Each task has it's own separate guide section below, once you have completed any of the tasks as detailed you will be able to claim Donuts from the DAPP.

Task 1 - Buy at least 100 DONUTS on Honeyswap

First go to this site:

click on the drop down box in the top right:


Ensure the chain is set to Gnosis chain.

Then connect your wallet by clicking on the "no wallet connected" button and connect your wallet using one of the 4 options below (this guide will assume you are using Metamask but the steps should be similar for the other wallet options):


Once your wallet is connected the address should replace the "no wallet connected" dialogue.

If the dialogue instead changes to "Wrong Network" then switch networks to Gnosis chain (Instructions here on how to set this up if you haven't already).

The page should now look like this:


Next click on the select a token box in the lower portion of the swap UI in the middle of the page and a list of tokens will pop up:



Now enter 300 in the box next to donuts and it will show you the cost in xDai:


Click swap and sign the transaction and you are done.


Task 2 - Provide at least 300 DONUTS liquidity on Honeyswap

For this task you need to head back to honeyswap again but this time to the pool page:

Which will look like this:


Once again connect your wallet and ensure you are connected to Gnosis chain as outlined in task 1 above.

Next click add liquidity:


It doesn't matter which way round you do it but for one of the boxes select xDAI and for the other, DONUT.


For the input box next to donut enter 300 (or more) and the input box next to xDAI will automatically populate.


Lastly click Supply and confirm the transaction and you are done.


Task 3 - Deposit at least 0.01 GNO on Agave.Finance - on hold due to Agave hack.

First head to this site: and connect your wallet using any of the three options listed below:


Once your wallet is connected ensure you are connected to the Gnosis chain.

Next click on GNO in the list of assets available to deposit:


This screen will pop up:


Simply enter at least 0.01 in the amount box in the center of the page and click continue.

This page will then pop up:


Click the approve button and sign the transaction, after a moment the transaction will confirm and the approve button will change to deposit.


Click the deposit button, confirm the transaction and you have completed this task.

Task 4 - Borrow at least 0.01 GNO on Agave.Finance - on hold due to Agave hack.

For this task you will need at least 0.02 GNO (or equal value of other assets) deposited in order to be able to borrow the required 0.01 GNO. Bear in mind that once you have borrowed funds you need to ensure that you still have the required collateral in the event assets dip after you have borrowed, if the value of your collateral drops too low relative to the amount you have borrowed you can be liquidated and lose your collateral, if you have lent GNO or xDAI this won't be an issue.

First head to the borrow page of Agave.Finance:

Connect your wallet and ensure you are connected to Gnosis chain as outlined in task 3.

Then click on GNO in the list of assets:


This page will pop up:


If the available to borrow amount is less than 0.01 GNO then deposit some more assets in order to boost your max borrowing amount. You need roughly 2x the amount you wish to borrow, deposited.

If you can borrow the required amount of 0.01 GNO then enter 0.01 into the amount box and click continue:


Lastly click the borrow button, sign the transaction and you have completed this task.


Claiming Donuts via EtherscanMeta & Donut

This post is to help people claim donuts on mainnet by interacting with the contract through Etherscan. It's a more polished version of my previous post regarding Mycrypto so better to use this as a guide instead.

Firstly navigate to:

This is the contract interaction page for the donut contract.


Next connect your Wallet by clicking on the Connect to Web3 button.

Button should turn green and show your address when connected.

Now click on the award tab below the connected button, you should have the blank form open up


Next you'll need the distribution data from IPFS, this is published each round and i'll try to ensure i keep this post updated with links to the relevant sets of data for each round.

I will use round 101 for this example/

Round 101 (ID 7):

This is what my data for this round looks like:


Pull the data for yourself and format as follows:

Ensure the proof is formatted correctly, it should contain no square brackets, no quotation marks and no spaces, the commas need to remain though, my formatted proof is below.

My formatted proof:


When all data is entered click write and you should get a confirm transaction window pop up from metamask

I don't have enough funds in wallet to pay the fee which is the reason for the warning. Do not fiddle with the gas limit as this could cause the transaction to fail if set too low and you will lose your gas paid. The gas fee is roughly 0.008 - 0.01 ETH when gas prices are in the 50 Gwei area.

Here is the data sets for previous distributions, i will try to keep this updated:

Round 103 (ID 9):

Round 102 (ID 8):

Round 101 (ID 7):

Round 100 (ID 6):

Round 99 (ID 5):

Round 98 (ID 4):

Round 97 (ID 3):

Round 96 (ID 2):

Round 95 (ID 1):

Round 94 (ID 0):

Edit: Round 103 added

Edit: I haven't added any further rounds as all distributions are now automatically done on xDai

Torus wallet and tippingMeta & Donut

A question I have seen asked a few times round this sub is: "Where did the Donuts I get tipped for on a post go?" The user has either seen they don't have the Donuts in the wallet they signed up with and/or they have seen on the transaction on blockscout that the tip has gone to a wallet they dont recognize.

What has happened 9 times out of 10 in this scenario is the user has only recently signed up to receive Donuts (or they haven't signed up at all) and they haven't yet received a Donut distribution for contributing to the sub. When this is the case any tips made to said user donut (heh) go into the wallet they signed up with and instead get sent to a Torus wallet that is associated with the users Reddit username.

In order to access these Donuts head to this site:

if this link doesn't work try:

Next you'll see this page:


Next click on the reddit icon under signup/in

You should have this window pop up if you are signed into reddit, if not then it should ask you to sign in with reddit.

Click allow:

You are now signed in :D

Go to settings and change the network to XDAI:


You'll need to send a small amount of XDAI to this wallet to send the donuts out.

If you can't immediately see you donuts on the home tab then you may need to manually add the token to the UI, click the add token here button:

Contract address is: 0x524B969793a64a602342d89BC2789D43a016B13A

The rest of the boxes should auto fill out, your donuts should now be visible.

Any queries just send me a dm or comment on this post and i'll be happy to help.

Donuts and XDAIMeta & Donut

This is mostly for the newer additions to this sub who are signed up to earn Donuts and donut (sorry) know about XDAI.

If you aren't signed up to receive donuts here is a guide on how to do so:

XDAI is an ETH sidechain (Layer2) solution around ETHs high gas fees, this sub allows you to opt into receiving Donuts earned on XDAI instead of mainnet. Note at the moment Donuts on XDAI cannot be used for Governance polls and CONTRIB is still mainnet only.

Firstly you need to setup the XDAI network on your wallet of choice in order to interact with XDAI, here is a guide for setting it up on Metamask, should be similar for other web3 connected ETH wallets.

Next, in order to opt into collecting Donuts on XDAI you need to make a top level comment in this post:

Now the next time Donuts are distributed they will be dropped into your ETH wallet on the XDAI network, in order to see them you need to switch the network to XDAI on your wallet.

Now regarding liquidity pools and the new staking contract on XDAI (This is the post regarding the new 50k rewards for staking on xdai) want to head to Honeyswap, the webpage should look like this:

Note the address in the top right, if there is no address there you may not be set to XDAI on your wallet.

In order to provide liquidity you will need an equal amount value wise of XDAI and DONUT, you can swap some Donut for XDAI or bridge DAI to XDAI using this bridge:

Click on the pool tab and then click add liquidity, then click on the select a token drop down in the bottom box and find Donut in the list (may pop to the top of the list after a second or 2).

Should look similar to this now

Next choose an amount of XDAI to pool and the donut value should auto update.


Now click Supply

This will pop up asking you to confirm transaction, NOTE: set gas price to 1.001 and gas limit to 250,000 (Not 2,500,000 as i did in the image above) and it should go through fine.

NOTE: set gas price to 1.001 and gas limit to 250,000 or else your transaction may get stuck if set too low.

Congrats you now have the LP tokens

Displayed in bottom box

Now head to this web address in order to stake:

Will look similar to this

There should be an approve button you need to click first to allow staking. once done the stake button should be there as seen above, simply click stake and you are done. :)

The claim button should be pretty self explanatory and the same with the unstake and claim, and unstake buttons.

In order to get back to DOnuts and XDAI in your wallet you need to unstake here and then go back to the pool page on honeyswap and withdraw your position.

Lastly when LPing there is the risk of impermanent loss, this is a good read explaining what impermanent loss is and how it becomes a realised loss.

Edit: u/Basoosh has a great site that allows you to stake and manage your LP tokens, you can use this in place of the ipfs site:

Edit 2: Re-added images as they got reduced to links for some reason.

Edit 3: added new xDAI opt in thread link as the old one is now archived.


He's gonna need the frost virgins purely as an ice pack after that.

Saucy Justice

If you threw it in the water somewhere that doesn't sink you the chaser could obviously just pick it up. If it was where you start sinking I don't know, I would assume it goes back to the map.

Saucy Justice

The ancient skeleton one for sure, it's a quick flash of oh fuck where is it.

Saucy Justice

If you sail off the edge of the map your loot will pop up near the edge where it's still safe. They made the change back in season 9(?) Iirc.

Death is on the line not in, unless it's some sort of shootout at a conga.

Then there's all the ones that just don't make sense out of context: trolleyed, wankered, plastered.

Hmmm not sure, assuming there's at least 1 block of overhang on every side of machines they should be fine, you could try testing it in creative, set the stuff up again and turn rain on, see if it explodes. If so then it's at least defo the rain.

Saucy Justice

Eh maybe, we can agree to disagree. Regardless it's funny to watch someone loot juggle looks derpy.

Saucy Justice

In that case I misunderstood this comment:

Regardless time savings is time savings and it's not a miniscule amount percentage wise.

Saucy Justice

Eh maybe you don't value your time but hey I'd enjoy that extra time doing other parts of the game I enjoy more.

You said 2 seconds in a 10 seconds period saved, that would be 20%...

That could well be a key factor, I definitely was less calm and collected behind the wheel a decade ago than now. Not to the point of driving dangerously, twas more of a verbal torrent of rage.

As for the whole rings of power thing, I just haven't bothered to watch it. Maybe someday if I don't have a plethora of things I want to watch or I suddenly have an abundance of time to watch things. In the meantime I will at some pint start yet another rewatch of stargate XD

Saucy Justice

I did also try editing my previous comment to add about moving items from middle of large islands as that can take a good while, but it seems reddit borked the comment edit.

Saucy Justice

Have 2 people do an activity together. Then you finish and stand there and wait for 2 minutes 27 seconds, it feels longer. Besides that's 2 mins 27 you could spend doing something else. If it's 2 mins 27 say twice a session (at least probably for what I play per session) then multiply that out by say 52 sessions a year (once a weekend, I play more but just ball park figures for people) that's 2 hours+ a year, that's nearly a whole extra session.

Besides my pint was loot juggling is much faster than not, even if we went with your 20% savings figure that's still... much faster than not.