
Reaction times and decision making decreasing significantly is unusual in lol, it may be time to visit a doctor/therapist/nutritionist and get a blood test to check if something isn't right or if it's just game knowledge. Glhf

I swear a worse jungler can gap a jungler who's 600lp higher because the first 15min was free due to the kass 0 prio it's so insane.


Kassadin. 0 prio early which is fine, like kayle you scale up.

Kassadin at 8minutes: not playing safe, 0/4, "ff", somehow has a weaker mental than draven otps.

Also idk if it's elo but most teemos I get are good and make the game easier for us to play. I think anyone who hates teemos doesn't understand the game or teemo. Unironically skill issue.

Is Lee Sin

He underestimates the sheer iron will and stubbornness that drives low elo Lee mains to force insecs on cooldown every game as they grind toward 1mil pts at breakneck speed until they have the epiphany that maybe they shouldnt... And maybe they don't need to always go in after landing q... Nah who am I kidding, we go in!!!

Lillia is great.

Don't put her into soloq, it's not for casual gamers, stick to norms and have fun.

Cos every active account worldwide would be permaed for false reports within a week.

Most champions can jungle. If I had a dollar for "x champ jungle?" while playing an S tier jungle champ I'd ball out with a faker ahri skin or a Bugatti.

Yap or improve. Choose one.


Play to carry. Farm up with strong skirmishers. If you do this games will be easier.

Oh I was trying to help but then the more I thought about it the more I thought the post sounded suss like boosted or recently switched to jg or low elo posing as high elo especially cos you sound confused about your role as a jungler...

Adc meta. Adc in every role. Not even joking I'm surprised if I get less than 2 adcs per team.

Pov: player's first multiday loss streak after a big climb.

Ironically type "laners dead before jg takes 3 camps = jg diff" before they do. Shocks the laners.

OP probably banned!/tilted for typing essays.

See you next split.

Pretty sure girls would rather play valo with you than csgo. Your friends preferring sausage fests says more about them tbh

My hot take is that the good news is gold is actually an achievement again, maybe similar to hitting plat or diamond 5 years ago. You also get ranked rewards which is cool.

For the noobies, aiming for bronze or silver is both a reasonable and respectable goal and I don't think they should ever feel bad about not going for gold if they are just getting into it casually because it's a more complex game now. I have friends who barely play and when they hit bronze or silver I already respect the grind cos they barely play but you can see the improvement and they're having fun.

Tangible advice

Like a muscle, we gotta switch it up or it gets used to it and stops adapting and that's why it doesn't grow but the belly fat does. That's why I switch gym routines weekly so the body remains confused. The same logic applies to language learning so of course I switch to a new language every 24hrs to maintain the constant high level of learning. because as an empath I believe that the shock my brain receives today in duolingus will manifest in shocking natives tomorrow.

If a native told me I was good at their language I would die like omg so you already know how dedicated I am. Like 20min per day bro, it's so crazy but I know it's gonna pay off.

I also know that comprehensible input is super important and with VPN I can get premium quality native content with English subtitles so I can enjoy real 100% comprehensible input 247. It's amazing, I've never felt so alive, so cultured and so confident in my language learning ability. I haven't spoken to a native yet but just wanted to post my advice that I'm using to become a 365 language polyglot this year. Bonjure, hallo! Please remember guys, gotta keep confusing the brain or we won't shock the natives. /s

Mute the idiots. Don't allow others to ruin your fun.

I'd rather play in emerald over plat any day and twice on Sunday.